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Frank Merriwell's Races


Word Count: 3314    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


at S

's tr

exclamations. Willis Paulding was the only one who did not say anything

and that he meant "fight" was evident. The hot blood of the Old South was

and distinctly said, his manner showing the s

r! More than that, Mr. Thorn

t, and then, in sudde

Jack Diamond. Eavesdroppers se

's face twitched, and his cl

ce, which I seldom visit. I was told a party of students had gathered here, and as I entered the room adjoining, I

ly. "It is the truth. Your boasted Southe

ed forward t

are among friends, and I am al

a partly emptied glass of wine and da

to the floor; "I have expressed mysel

from his eyes. Then he dropped the handkerchief, and caug

just in time to keep him from trying t

ill him?" exclaim

Thornton, "I

. Parker," urged Jack, his voice shaking w

!" came fiercely from Parker.

bout and insulted, sir! Let him alone, and I wi

rward. He was a big fellow, and was known to be a

just to teach you a lesson," he said, in a most insolent manner. "

back Jack. "Why, he'd do you up wi

I am going to break your face, and the

moment, and then came at

till I have fixed this sneak as I will fix

d swing the door shut it was flung open with such v

ll, and he placed himself between

utmost self-possession. "It is not necessary

, as every lad stood motionles

contrast between Di

Frank actually smiled serenely into Flemming's

aid that in times of trouble he was

growled. "How did you happen in here?

Frank, calmly. "I wondered what could bring him into such a place, and so I entered likewise. They sa

lemming. "Close and fasten the door, boys! We'll jump on

w old scores with them," said Emery, becoming aroused.

" shouted P

l, that's not so bad. Come on, my brave fellows! W

chance at Thornton!"

time in improving it. He had hated Merriwell from the first, but never had he dared do anything


l on Merriwell's head, dropping the

ut Merriwell out of the fight in

nd, wheeling about and leaping at Willis, w

nst the wall. Thump! thump! thump!-Jack banged the head of the helpless

was caught between his teeth, and he nearly bit it in two. Blood gushed fr

me to escape Flemming, whose heavy fi

tried to get up Flem

ed those in the front of the sal

ming had directed, and the curious on

town, whom Frank had once whipped. He saw Frank

Merriwell? Show me der blokie, an' I'l

the boys. At best, he was an ugly-looking sco

friends!" sneered Flemming. "

white ter ther bone, an' I sticks by him-see! Dis gang has done h

cried Flemming, scornfully. "It is plain tha

yer never'd knocked him out dis way. I've been up ag'inst hi

raight at Flemming, a

him dirt! I'm goin' ter knock der

uck at Kirby's head. Plug dodged, caught hold of

e I cleans out der

, and the boys made a ru

striking Fred Flemming between the s

a helpless condition, while all the others, with the ex

's wound when they were

have we done to merit arrest? Why didn't you take those

icers. "You'll have a chance to answer a few

own that they had been arrested in a place like Jackson's, and in company with a ruffian of Plug Kirby's stamp. Kirby would claim that Frank Merriwell was his

ish when he thought how heavily such a blow would fal

let the prisoners go, for he knew unpleasant attention would be attracted toward

here's been more crooked jobs put up here than anywhere else in the city. Yo

us crowd that had been attracted by sounds of the conflic

aside, and spoke earnestly and excitedly to

longer, Jackson. There has been complaints against this joint

ook at Merriwell, who was sitting u

med the policeman. "

faintly. "I hope you didn't hit me tha

e ther boy what stopped ther horse and sa

s we're arrested, Ma

t ther job is done now," said

what it will mean to me if I am pulled up before a magistrate in the mo

but what can I do? I can't let you

up against six fellows, and it seems that we got the wors

didn't c

lared Jack. "We were taken at an advantage, and did not have any kind of

everely. "And you were arrested at the same time with Plug Kirby, a tough of the lowe

light to the matter by telling how he came to know the thug, who had been hir

s you for his friend?" asked Magoon, grin

e has been ready to do anythin

g Kirby that made me feel like goin' easy with him! And he was f

guard at the door. After a few moments, Jackson was

, and he saw Jackson take something out of

Merriwell, guardedly. "Jackson

uttered Diamond. "It began to look as i

ertain young gentlemen who

Flemming would have gone on the crew. He has suddenly come to ha

er rises up to make it interesting for me," said Frank. "I

your rivals, but are incompetent to become your equals. At the same time, you are able to command a larger following than any fellow at Yale. You are a leader in everything, and

f we get out of this scrape all right, I'll give my attention to this new g

rst officer. If you give your attention to Flemmin

s set

see if Jackson ha

a talk with Plug Kirby. Kirby se

was bein' jumped by a gang, an' I went in fer ter back him up. You cops lets der gang git off, an' d


e a friend of min

am, pal," nod

expelled from college, which will be rough on me. If you are my friend, you will ag

by me when I was hauled up, an' I t'ought your influence might fix t'ings; but, if it'

er arrest at all-understand t


ng about a row in t


s for your friend


ound on Jackson, and I'll club the hea

e others drank beer or whisk

Diamond and Kirby were let out

nce from the saloon, Frank t

me, Kirby. I am sure I appreciate it, but I had rather you would drop c

in your class, an' I don't want ter do yer no hurt. All der sa

big bruiser, whose admiration he had

me. There have been times when I could have found you quite useful in pitting you

, rud

V. Go play you a

e-dollar bill which Frank pas

'm a liar! If yer wants me ter do up der whole gang as was

let you know," assure

ed his ba

y ye alwus prosper, an' may

ard their rooms in South Mid

dy to go through fire for you, and you make friends of all sorts and conditions of perso

what they show themselves to be. If they choose to be my enemies, well and good; let them look out for themselves. To-night

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