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The Boy Aviators' Flight for a Fortune


Word Count: 2495    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

week to put that craft in shape for the final tests, upon which so much depended. It may be said here, though, that besides a visit paid to Mottha

ews of their whereabouts on shore. This may be attributed to a distinct prejudice felt by the fishing community against the dwellers on Brig Island. Your down-easter is inquisitive to a degree, and the secrecy under which operations on the island were carried on was fe

d into the nearer cove, where she could be constantly watched, and the motor boat was used in the operation, the officer of the derelict d

ea Eagle, while his son and Billy Barnes were set to work with axes to clear a sort of runway down to the beach. Both Billy and Pudge would much rather have had a hand in the mechanic

ing, firmly nailed to stout supports, were run down on each side of it, fo

hen all was complete, and the Sea Eagle was pronounced fit for the test. During the night before this event not one of t

nds were in the Sea Eagle's shed. As has been said, the boat-like underbody of the craft had been mounted on a wheeled frame before it was assembled. All that had to be done th

" the rope as required. Frank and Dr. Perkins seated themselves in the "boat," and at the words "Let her go!" the Sea Eagle in her wheeled frame began her descent down the runway. By means of the

alternately "let go" and "hauled in" on the tackle, "I

the Sea Eagle to bother with the trimmings,"

, doubtless a small fleet of boats would have been lying off the cove to witness it, but it was for that very reason that the deepest secrecy had been obser

ull" struck the water. A cheer went up then that, rang shrill and clear out over the calm sea. Even Dr

try out her qualities as a water skimmer. As soon as she was fairly afloat, the wheeled carriage on which the descent had been made was drawn ashore. Having

" commented Billy Barnes as, with the others, he ha

the boys knew that the wings were all ready for instant attachment. In fact, it was one of the features of the Sea E

ach, Frank looked inquiringly at the inventor. His hand was on the self-starting device which put the powerful motor in o

uickly, and, grasping the steerin

tart up no

the motor responded with a roar and a series of explosions, like those of a battery of gatling guns going into acti

tly Frank had finished tuning up the motor Dr. Perkins' hand reached for the lever. He jerked it nervously back. There was a whirr and

ushed her forward through the atmosphere, the faster the Sea Eagle was driven the more lightly did the craft skim the surface of the water, till at top speed-2,000 revolutions a

like a cream skimmer. Dr. Perkins circumnavigated the island three times before he gave the signal to Frank to slow dow

eight test," he annou

ess time than it takes to tell it they were swarming over the side of the cockpit and struggling for positions near the engine. But Dr. Perkins made them arrange

speedily set at rest all doubts as to her capabilit

of raspberry ice cream soda," declared Billy, wh

d the great wings bolted in place and the stay wires adjusted. The stay wires were tightened by turn buckles till they were taut as fiddle strings, as

after she had been backed off and the propellers started, skimmed along the top of the water like a flying fish. But all at once the watchers on shore saw her rise bodily from the water and soar upward into the air. Higher and higher went the cr

imbed the a?rial staircase till a height shown by the

aratus," cried the doctor sud

ngs swelled, till they resembled puffed-out mattresses more than anything else, and the "volplaning" downward movement was perceptibly checked. But, setting the descending devi

gle to hover above the Betsy Jane, like the bird for which the a?rial craft had been named. Then suddenly he began a rapid descent, landing finally on the very summit of the inclined r

forced back into its receiver, and the valve closed. It was calculated that less than two per cent of the gas

he engine was started, and when the graceful craft reached the abrupt end of the incline, the Sea Eagle went soaring off into space like a huge white-winged bird

ust end her career by being dashed to bits against the construction shed, a skillful twist of the steering device sent her soaring upward once more. Two more swinging a?rial

uded, the boys came pressing about Dr. Perkin

e ocean in such a craft," dec

their astonishment, Dr. Perk

wire and bolt in the Sea Eagle's construction. I did not announce this

usiasm. He had been dodging about the great flying

is all that I could desire. But the final test will put that beyon

dge, as the others pressed eagerly about

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