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Chapter 7 OUR CHURCH.

Word Count: 2399    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

luttering their signals in the air; but the music-room was warm, and the music-teacher herself had gotten above

voices at her entrance. They were afraid of the pale music-teacher. H

finish, seemed to mark her as belonging to another world than themselv

received her first advances in the shape of a question, as

think our church

t evening's experience, that led Claire Benedict to introduce tha

but they could no more set their hats on their heads with the nameless grace which hovered around Claire Benedict's plainly-trimmed plush one, than they could fly through the air. This is just one illustration of the many differences between them. This young lady had lived all her days in the environments of ci

presently rallied suff

almost spoiled her new cashmere sweeping the church floor with it. She says she would be ashamed to ha

of the others. "We are so awful poor! That is the cry you always hear

he keys softly, recalling a long-forgotten strain about "Girding

p that church until it

moment struck them dumb. They looked at one another, then at t


it!" from two

anything?" from a

re, and to volunteer her opinion as to the disgra


er, smiling brightly on them all,

me over to the centre of the gr

st first secure the money; but I think

chorus of di

ard the old church, because they want a new one. As if we could ever have a new church! Others think it is well enough as it is, if it could be swept now and then. And there is one woman who always goes to talking about the time she

voice ch

ink it would be quite a benevolence to somebody to fix up that old rookery; and they ow

bout the soci

way things go here; hundreds of reasons seem to pop up to hinder people from doing a thing; and all the old stories are raked up,

done, and therefore, of course, of what could be done, that she c

r, did not see th

bout trying to beg money in South Plains fo

nt, and she was noted for timidity; but none

another bomb-shell to

to give just so much, and who as fully expected to pay it when the collector called, as they expected to pay their gas bil

y your dress, and your style, and everything, that you have plenty of it; but if you expect money from us, you don't know what you are talking about. The most of us have to work so hard, and co

it, of cours

Half a dozen v

contribution. Perhaps we can not all help in that way, but some of us can,

s much less than Sydney Benedict had allowed his daughter for spe

ose to start this scheme by giving the 'tenths' of two months' salary. Come, Nettie, get your p

ve a tenth of eve

hile Nettie blushing and laughing, went into the depths of her pocket for

ng and her voice quivering a little. "It was my father's

a month! Not that this young Christian intended to wait until she could see her way clear. Her education had been, The tenth belongs to God. As much more as you can conscientiously spare, of course; but this is to be laid aside without

uch a thing. Well," after another thoughtful pause, "I may as well begin, I suppose

ict. "Why, girls, we ha

e group had an allowance. A few minutes of total silence

et me a new pair of gloves; but I suppose

look just horrid." Thi

," with a little laugh that belie

knew the men would never do it in the world; but if there is anything we can accomplish, let's do it. I say we try. I was going to trim m

ction. Whatever their plan was, they kept it to themselves. It undoubtedly included self-sacrifice, as they belonged to a fami

ng bit of sacrifice ca

rooks to bring it down with him next Saturday; but I do so dreadfully hate those red curtains, that if you will promise to do something with the windows the first t

but appreciated that to Ruth Jennings this was quite a

every one of you. We will certainly have our church made over. I feel

forth a chor

at velvet ribbons, and gloves, and su

Ruth Jennings, amid much laughter.

d the question gently, yet in a

ly was

rrid old den as it is! How cou

ir teacher's heart that she could not refrain from quoting: "Let my tongue c

hter was

an the building, doe

ot? And suggests one of the ways in which we can show our

around the young girl's waist,

lk about worshipping God in a place

young teacher, of whom they had thought, only t

she s

as, in answer to the bell summoning them t

and so unselfis

'stuck up'!" de

hey went in to prayers. They glanced at one anoth

the night

gh the mor

y one mea

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