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Chapter 18 MR. DILLWYN'S PLAN.

Word Count: 3337    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ollowed it down to nearly its lower termination, and turned up into Clinton Place, where he presentl

he awaited he

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1 Chapter 1 WHO IS SHE 2 Chapter 2 AT BREAKFAST.3 Chapter 3 A LUNCHEON PARTY.4 Chapter 4 ANOTHER LUNCHEON PARTY.5 Chapter 5 IN COUNCIL.6 Chapter 6 HAPPINESS.7 Chapter 7 THE WORTH OF THINGS.8 Chapter 8 MRS. ARMADALE.9 Chapter 9 THE FAMILY.10 Chapter 10 LOIS'S GARDEN.11 Chapter 11 SUMMER MOVEMENTS.12 Chapter 12 APPLEDORE.13 Chapter 13 A SUMMER HOTEL.14 Chapter 14 WATCHED.15 Chapter 15 TACTICS.16 Chapter 16 MRS. MARX'S OPINION.17 Chapter 17 TOM'S DECISION.18 Chapter 18 MR. DILLWYN'S PLAN.19 Chapter 19 NEWS.20 Chapter 20 SHAMPUASHUH.21 Chapter 21 GREVILLE'S MEMOIRS.22 Chapter 22 LEARNING.23 Chapter 23 A BREAKFAST TABLE.24 Chapter 24 THE CARPENTER.25 Chapter 25 ROAST PIG.26 Chapter 26 SCRUPLES.27 Chapter 27 PEAS AND RADISHES.28 Chapter 28 THE LAGOON OF VENICE.29 Chapter 29 AN OX CART.30 Chapter 30 POETRY.31 Chapter 31 LONG CLAMS.32 Chapter 32 A VISITOR.33 Chapter 33 THE VALUE OF MONEY.34 Chapter 34 UNDER AN UMBRELLA.35 Chapter 35 OPINIONS.36 Chapter 36 TWO SUNDAY SCHOOLS.37 Chapter 37 AN OYSTER SUPPER.38 Chapter 38 BREAKING UP.39 Chapter 39 LUXURY.40 Chapter 40 ATTENTIONS.41 Chapter 41 CHESS.42 Chapter 42 RULES.43 Chapter 43 ABOUT WORK.44 Chapter 44 CHOOSING A WIFE.45 Chapter 45 DUTY.46 Chapter 46 OFF AND ON.47 Chapter 47 PLANS.48 Chapter 48 ANNOUNCEMENTS.49 Chapter 49 ON THE PASS.50 Chapter 50 Father unto you= replaced by =a father unto you=51 Chapter 51 Augen=52 Chapter 52 Aubigne= replaced by =Aubigné=53 Chapter 53 = replaced by =chapter of Matthew. =54 Chapter 54 Jessie= replaced by = and so, Jessie=