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Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia

Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia



Word Count: 594    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

painter and the poet for original studies and ideas; the naturalist for additional knowledge; and the historian might begin at a beginning. The traveller there seeks in vain for the r

nterest attaches to those regions, now that the rapid increase of the most industrious and, may we add mos


arly period between history and fable, upon which, even in "the world

solis et auras, Cautus humum

, Met.

bring under the notice of men of science some of the earth's productions hitherto unknown. He cannot sufficiently express his sense of obligation in this respect, to Mr. Bentham, Sir William Hooker, Dr. Lindley, and Professor De Vriese, for supplying the botanical matter and notes contained in this volume, and thus contributing to the general stock of

reever heights were available; and, by actual measurement of the line of route. This route was connected, at its commencement and termination, with the trigonometrical survey of the colony; and, in closing o

logists; hence, in the progress of geological science, the fossils now brought from these remote regions will be accessible at any future time, and something known of the geology as well as of the geography of the interior. A

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