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The Lure of San Francisco: A Romance Amid Old Landmarks

Chapter 2 e. the ovary wholly superior.

Word Count: 596    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 e. the ovary wholly superior.3 Chapter 3 tube (inferior).4 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 like heads.6 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 Climbing by the leafstalks, or erect herbs.9 Chapter 9 Involucre leaf-like, remote from the flower. Leaves compound or dissected. Pistils very many.10 Chapter 10 Involucre close to the flower, of 3 oval bracts, calyx-like. Leaves radical, simple and lobed. Pistils several.11 Chapter 11 Stigma terminal, broad and flat. Radical leaves and involucre compound. Peduncles umbellate. Achenes 4–15, many-ribbed.12 Chapter 12 Sepals usually 4, petal-like or greenish, Achenes few.13 Chapter 13 Achenes numerous, inflated, 4-angled. Flowers corymbose. Filaments white, clavate.14 Chapter 14 Sepals and petals (5–16, crimson or scarlet) flat, unappendaged. Seed suspended.15 Chapter 15 Sepals spurred. Petals 5, white. Achenes in a long spike. Scapes 1-flowered. Seed suspended.16 Chapter 16 Petals 5, yellow or white, with a scale or gland at base. Achenes capitate. Seed erect.17 Chapter 17 Petals none. Sepals broad, white. Pods few. Leaves compound.18 Chapter 18 Petals none. Sepals broad, yellow. Leaves kidney-shaped, undivided.19 Chapter 19 Petals 5–20, narrow, pitted above the base. Pods sessile. Leaves palmately lobed.20 Chapter 20 Petals 5–6, small, hollowed at apex, white. Pods long-stalked. Leaves radical, trifoliolate.21 Chapter 21 Petals small, tubular, 2-lipped. Sepals 5, broad, persistent and turning green. Pods sessile.22 Chapter 22 Petals small 2-lipped nectaries. Sepals 5–8, narrow, deciduous. Flower solitary, involucrate.23 Chapter 23 Pistils 5, with slender styles. Leaves ternately compound.24 Chapter 24 Upper sepal spurred. Petals 4, of two forms; the upper pair with long spurs, enclosed in the spur of the calyx.25 Chapter 25 Upper sepal hooded, covering the two long-clawed small petals.26 Chapter 26 Flowers in long often paniculate racemes. Pistils 1–8, becoming many-seeded pods.27 Chapter 27 Flowers in a single short raceme. Pistil single, forming a many-seeded berry.28 Chapter 28 Flowers solitary. Sepals 3, petal-like, caducous. Petals none. Stamens numerous. Pistils several, becoming 2-seeded berries. Leaves simple, lobed.