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The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century


Word Count: 2215    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in the room but Ben, who sat by the table, evidently waiting for him to open his eyes. As

ering if you were going to sleep

Eric, brightly. "I

over to the table, where he found a pile of ship's biscuit and a pannikin of tea awaiting him. He did not feel at all so hungry as he had the night before, and this very

eakfast, thank you.

uess the true reason of the

he, with one of his grim smiles. "You'll have to take

seeming not to appreciate his friend's hospitality. "If I were

ed to fill and

sked, after he had g

er doesn't believe in boys smokin

the hut to-day, since you feel so stiff. I've got to go off, but I'll be back by mid-day."

ying so. He went to the door and regretfully looked after the tall figure striding swiftly o

wn in what direction to go, and felt equal to the task, his first business would certainly have been to set

t be miles from the beach where the Francis finally struck. Anyway, Evil-Eye was certain to be there, huntin

had resulted, through an amazing adaptation of knees, planking, stanchions, and bulk-heads, in a long, low-ceilinged, but roomy building, something after the shape of a large vessel's poop. For lighting and ventilation it depended upon a number of port-holes irregularly put in. Runni

hey strongly excited Eric's curiosity, and he occupied himself examining them one by one. One pair of pistols especially attracted his attention. They were of the very latest make, and the handles were beautifully inla

t that he almost staggered under its influence. For the first time in his life an overmastering passion for revenge, for retribution, took possession of him, and carried him out of himself. Smooth, clear, and bright as the lovely stream that watered the Oakdene meadows had been the current of his life hi

ideous appearance and threatened violence, but because of Ben's dark hints and his own suspicions as to Evil-Eye being no better than a murdere

y pressing upon the trigger, there was a sharp report, which caused Prince, dozing comfortably by the fire, to s

door was thrown roughly open

ls?" he cried, his face aflame wi

e big table, so that it would form a barrier between himself and Evil-Eye. His hand was

ne, or I'll

edly have been shed, had not Ben Harden rushed in through the open door, and snatching Evil-Eye's pist

u don't leave that boy alone, I wi

r a moment. Then his hand went again to his belt, as though he would turn his baffled fury upon Ben. Bu

I was only teaching him manners, and not to meddle with o

tention to the pistol Eri

e's pets there, have you? Well, put it ba

, their owner watching him with a malign glare which boded

an airing will do you good. Put o

and calling to Prince, followed Ben out into

h it had not raged with fatal fury but a few hours before. Eric's spirits, which had been wofully depressed by the events of t

th questions, and found companionship in Prince, who showed lively satisfaction in being out-of-doors, frisking about and barking loudly in the exuberance of his glee. One good night's rest and plenty to eat had been sufficient to completely r

int of a sand-ridge, where he threw himself, waiting

when the boy reached him. "Yo

ff away at his pipe, as though he had nothing more to say. Thus left to himself, E

as clear and calm. Far out beyond the serried lines of white-maned sea-coursers the ocean could be seen sleeping peacefully. Here and there, upon the sand-bars, the hulls of vess

s were paddling, while snipes and sand-pipers hopped along the margin. The valley of the lake presented a curious contrast to those portions of the island that faced

ere it once more touched the ocean, and gave cause for other lines of roaring surges. All this and more had Eric time to

ve saved your life, but I'm not so clear in my mind but wha

and there was an alarmed tone

, what makes

whole. Dead men tell no tales is what he goes by; and if the folks over there"-jerking his thumb in the direction of the mainland-"only knew what goes on here, they'd be pretty sure to want to put a stop to it, and make us all smart for it finely. Now, it's not likel

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