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The CEO's Obsession

The CEO's Obsession


Chapter 1 

Word Count: 909    |    Released on: 05/12/2017



take thi

rs ea

om" I pleaded, "Plea

tand" my mom pleaded back. "Please understand you are doing this f


our daughter“s happiness for


the audacity to shamelessly te

that young lady, your father

I didn“t expect this

ng lady" came my d

able to direct people“s attention to him whenever he wanted. He was never really a father


young lady or consid

" I sc

is came fr

n though he wasn“t a good dad

you are ready to comply I suggest to

s li

I suffered from depression for about two years. Yes, my Dad had been pushing me to marry him for three years. But now because of my inability to comply and now that his company is on the verge of bankruptcy he wants the wedding

P.E when I really wanted to go to ballet class, or in the 9th grade when you sent me off to boarding school because you wanted me to be more refined according to you standards, o

enough y

ember mum always telling me how much of a good father you were always buying me things, but whe--- where is that father now," I laughed bi

ng young lady" I sa

ade my lif

ng sound, of someone being sla



sed fath

till hurt knowing my father couldn“t even believe hi

" my mom

to hear that stupid excuse you always use as to why you can“t ma

, DISOWN ME FOR ALL I CARE. I don“t need you, Mom

y mom sai

, it was to please my father because he would

scoffed, what

when I settle dow

going, even if you do go where w

ay from you and this stupid

ering look at my f

m d


“s final

m, just imagine her

tten but I am trying my best so please encourage me. Se

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