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The CEO's Obsession

Chapter 2 

Word Count: 1112    |    Released on: 05/12/2017


ts I found out my dad froze my bank account probably thinking I wouldn“t have money and come begging for his forgiveness. I had some money left being a heiress and all from a bank account I opened myse

really need to go grocery shopping. I

into my BMW and searched for the ne

os or D

got both. As I was walking to the cashier t

re going" I said r

appearance. She was blonde, she stood about 5“4 just a little shorter than my 5“7 heig

lso for not watching where I


I actually like y

o. I can tell we will be

she was rea

destroy you because some kind of laser thingy you


t, besides I


at the whole math st

grocery store, Kim asked me for my number. I gladly gave it to her because I rem

ber telling my mom I would call her but I forgot, I will make sure to d

um, it“s

ling. "It“s really you. I thought you would not ca

ted at

say to make you say he

the best father but he regrets hi

find myself and find love. I am not mad at Dad because nothing about his attitude is new but I am

you are not mad at you Da

hat“s what

ugh depression right under his nose and he didn“t seem to care but, it“s paternal love and I d

ompany back up and he has been so sad. I don“t think he can do it,"

r tell him because I have seen what depression can do

om you

d, so typical of her. She co

hopefully. I sighed, I really didn“t want to break her

you, I need to find myself, and back home

talk later?" She

rse mom, I will never forget you, yo

o your father," she said. “Maybe I can

not need t

those thoughts

d. Bye, be sa

uestion I had to know the answer to

. That was

pace. Now I know he won“t let you be for long, but I

a bunc

oans from some of his business partners so he do

l you some other t

ht, swee

the thought immediately. I felt New York was were I was g

me sleep and start


is Kate. She“s

my first book and I am trying really hard.

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