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The CEO's Obsession

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 05/12/2017


high and acting like his obvious flirting

to me so having someone who looks like a Greek




twelfth floor before I saw a man hol

evator" the

ike sc

says looking


ched at the tip of his nose and the cutest green candy apple eyes I had ever seen. His hair was s

is a professional organisation“. My

looked up at the gentlem

efore?, I don“t th

keting. The name“s Katherine Hayes

onal assistant. I was to meet you on the twelfth

r Grey" I said givi

was quick and strangle enough we were the on

f the day was a near impossible task, but I man

ice looking Rolls Royce. The figure looks over at me fo


my car and walk into

he doorman, I think hi

edgement in his direction I get into

e light switch before turning it on when I h

n but he was just so excited" K

og in my arms who was

do you have a dog with you and third why do you look li

you have sex?!

ded she

my apartment??!!" I say loo

said before I cut her

with Callum on Friday an--"

ure have a lot of questions you“ve asked and haven“t

wn once again by barking and I pat his head a go t

at which I know about when you left your keys at in your car last week and the dog i

of people tell--" I stopped talkin

t the problem is it was

fore I knew it there was kissing and touching and then it was no clothes and all and it was on my couch and all, then

dog and you had sex

ly care about that" she sa

cute" I said while petti

iend and all you ca

g to be okay" I did

m a chance" Kimberly sid

tached during early stage of the relatio


on the couch I walk

nge Kimberly, I“l

“ll be w

t all my ice cream


droom and take a shower before chang

y do you" Kim said after

face when she said that she tur

tarved than I t

Callum" I said "y

u first day of work

is a hunk and complete Italian tho

g to do him?" she s

that? I don“t mix business with pleasure

nce fell over us

t with Callum again all you“v

nk you Vir

like to keep it that way

nt, she responds to

s compassionate, which is essential because he“s a doctor–." Wanting to stop h

ake up and he let out a loud b

" Kimberly said loo


bout him afte

she said going st

d you I don“t mix bus

lise just ho


there.." the gir

re I came. I pulled out of the girl in my bed and roll

“m gett

go again?"

nd leave" I did standing up

night" she said trying to pur

e night?" I said confuse

," she

a voice that left n

ile retrieving her clothes


lack haired and curvy beauty before cli


the fact that I was lazy. Thank you for being patient and a Merry Christmas and a happy

ill ne

s tr

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