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My BabyGirl

My BabyGirl


Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: 05/06/2018


rt. Sounds

lad to say that Ty and I are going to the same schoo

o see him staring, his eyes showing the awe and

s on" I smile at him. He grins and pecks my l

here" he smiled sweetly before leavi

looked good for the first day, I wasn't trying to impress

g about an inch of my stomach. I had on some black stud earrings and put on

ink, Ty is already by my si

" Emily bounces, brushing her

did look cute. She wore blue ripped jeans

you ask me" Tyrell mutt

at him in

t me. He always does this cute face when he w

"I just love you and I don't like it whe

t when a guy was saying how good I would be in bed. Not even

that look" I poke his nose before sh

ide in B

e than you expect. Especially this one guy everyo

day. Charlotte says if I fight she is wit

at us before Ben mutters

ingly quicker tha

p. Ben is a bit more laid back than Tyrell, sure he got jealous but

?" He

and nodde

st mine in a short kiss yet it wa

ne, BabyGirl. Now let's do this" Ty

ling extensions out of this girls head wh

ing away from the girl

- because I didn't say it back when he told me he loved me just now and 3 because

irls who walks around with hardly any clot

I did it to piss off the blonde, well he

him press a kiss against it as he looked up at me

aid, it's us against everyone" he whispe

y. He knows why I

sn't enough, that I was pretty or worth it. Tyrell proved me wrong.

ky to h

fed before pulling away from the hug. We begin to walk through the co

women asked,

and Charlotte Jo

um whilst giving us our t

politely even If s

er. It was most likely because he chose the same topics as me bu

lia find us

?" They asked and I answer w

his classes are never boring" Ben says, cas

" I say an

makers are in that class because the teacher is laid back. T

say and Ty g

ght. I knew that Ty was insecure and it made my heart break be

hand gently when B

at me and tr

. He nods his head, giving me a since

r and done with" he sighs

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