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My BabyGirl

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1346    |    Released on: 05/06/2018


h July 2017

was a bad day for 4 reason

rgot my pads at home. Even tho

tonight so her and Ty c

my old school with Ty- it was Ted- and he

other hour and a half and I also

was in lessons right now and I was stuck i

ast night and I could

ing her to meet in

onds I hear her

ntly, "is everything oka

t my period and have nothing. Oh and let's not forget that She

rmur. Emilia is like me when she is on he

ask and I'm relieved w

my business before going out of

like her" she says and m

girl hit on my boyfriend in front of my eyes. I

to do now?" She as

see Ty and the worst thing is none of you's are in

text away if you need me Ok

a. Speak later?" I

room and I leave with her but

the closest shop and pick up

ey before I get bored and s

thout looking to see

d to tell you something but you were

rk on a bench" I say and

ip?" He asked a

with school" which was

to meet you?" He asked.

rning for me. What did you want to t

I know it probably won't end wel

d I hear a faint 'fuck

'll tell you when I meet you" he says

e back into my bag

ay and he

that Shelby can't come around

it there and watch her try to flirt with you right in front

demanded that she stay home to do it because app

I ask after a few

project" he says a

s being difficult. I knew I was bei

o get with him, even if it me

it means nothing to me Char. Why should it matter

placing my han

ee that her parents won't even be there

this morning, claiming that s

trust me?

he would leap at any opportunity to jump i

uchy about it?" He asked

w damn well that she is different that

d I feel myself becomi

er parents for me" I spat before I storm off. Whe

wants him and, not to mention she is so beautiful

she wanted, even Ty if

e, I feel tears begin

into the shower b

se ring he got me, I remembered the way his eyes shone, th

s promise r


a promise ring, when you wear it, I want you to remember all my promises to you. I promise that we can make it through anything. I promise that I'll stick by you no matter what. I promise that I'

tears before kisses my lips. He then places his li

ast, but they can fuck themselves because when I'm wit

o much" I wrap my arms aroun

you more

f flas

had a message and 3 missed

ault I got paired with her. If I had a say in anyth

under the duvet an

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