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My BabyGirl

Chapter 2 NO.2

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 05/06/2018


new where this class was after as

nd of zo

w place with people I don't know, ex

yourself guys?" The teach

ong have we

riend Tyrell and we just transferr

t me- making me really uncomfortable- and so I tighten my grip

ogether?" The girl asked,

aving everyone stunned into silence. We both make our way

hot girl?" I

he room and his eyes

itchy blonde mutter

he boy and he see

and sometimes I t

ested in hook..."he begins

bluntly before turning back to the front of

by the time it has finished

rtunately, it didn't work. She ignored him

you think I'm hot

we doing later?" She

sure" I say w

for a minute or so

?" The guy asked mak

I think she was trying to take her mind

n the teacher wasn't looking, lea

fuming Charlotte was wh

the fuck up" she mutters angrily, for a sp

t let anyone hurt you ever again"

fore we make our wa

o get home to cuddle with


.." my teacher trails off before the


t of the door but I'm sure I was first

Shelby- and I just hoped and prayed that we woul

ugh it didn't work because she wasn't even that attra

after me but I don't stop. It's liter

r lockers and I was very lucky it was

e Shelby was fucking annoying but also because

, opening her locker

" I ask, leaning beside her loc

p with this guy called Aiden. He's coo

ar her call m

otte asked, busing he

ng annoying. I swear I was going to snap my pencil and use it to sta

o move" Charlotte chuckl

ked" I let

nt. I'll see you tomorrow" Shelby winks

irlfriend!" Charlotte shouts

" I say when I s

hat you had a girlfriend" C

I told her" I sa

too dumb to underst

itch into a smile

and get in when we se

o long?" Ben ask

jealous of Sh

she snaps at me but I saw

n by you and that you were my girlfriend" I

r girlfriend"

e smile and say thank

yes but it's fine because I will get this assign

espect the fact you have a girlfriend" she says. "I just can't wait to finish school" she says with a si

w baby" I say and

y too soon fo

she says out of nowhere b

st before walking down to help her make some cookies.

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