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Against His Will.

Against His Will.


Chapter 1 No.01

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 16/05/2019

p. Let's go we will get late. Dad is wai

she shouted fro

main door because I am so excited about o

the last time in the kitchen. Because we are

never neglects me or mom. He always gives

I am so

nd from my behind it made

she had checked everything last time before

both in union asked, "What happened honey." Dad halted the car to the si

still examining my body. After being fully showered in a happy voic

ey? Why did you sh

inting to the various rollercoaster ride. She was staring

hand in her hands and started examining them. Dad was looking at everything from the driver's s

are so many rides here. We are going to ride on each an

e. She snatched the map away from my hands "You Jane Elizabeth Austen are you trying to give me my very first heart attack" she asked

top laughing but we both were trying to suppress our laughter. But we failed at it and we burst out laughing again and

t. Sun was setting down and the night was going to bloom any time soon. I w

es were fully open. I saw two big lights coming towards us and it hit our car making it turn ups

ot hearing my mom's voice anymore made my already racing heart go wild with more fear. It made breading hard for me. My body was slowly becoming heavy with this uncon

are the

d every passing second. Taking hold of the seat to balance my trembling weak

s open b..but I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Blackness was taking hold of my sight making uncon

oice yelled in a panic. These were the last words I heard before unco

ade me short open my eyes and my hands drifte

Only sweat was all over my face and head.

m myself. "I..it was just an n..nightmare nothing is going to happen again, " I said while moving my hand on my wildly breathing heart in a soothing manne

till remember everything and

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