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Against His Will.

Chapter 3 No.03

Word Count: 1157    |    Released on: 16/05/2019

went to the nearest cafe for lunch. W

to the nearest table but he was still standing there and observing me with his

tarving go fast, " I said in my impatience pleading voice. He was still standing there and watching me. If

ming about?" he asked me in his serious voice. "From the day we became friends I always saw you spacing out. You are always like that. You

cute when

"Actually you are the first person with whom I feel co

oblem please tell me maybe I can help you" he aske

s for your concern".

l me maybe I can help you, " he asked whi

good, " I said

asked me again in

plied to him wit

" Grey asked me wit

trust you, '' I replied

Cats and dogs are fighting World War III in my

and bring something to eat", and

so much a

still controlling my mind. May

immediately disca

' to Grey. I'm sure he won't

ike the first day when he had talked with me or to put it in more simple words t

two weeks were aunt Jennifer. She was so nice to me, I also started helping her in the kitchen like I used to do with mom. She told me there is no need to do such things but I told her I feel good when I help her. The

staring at me. So I looked up and I saw 'him'. He was leaning against the kitchen door while staring straight at me.

ng there? Does h

e kitchen, why is he still st

did I told you guys he has not even spoken a single word with me till now. He was

myself and act like it is not affecting me. The next thing he did make my

nt to ask me when dinner will be ready? Why will he ask you that as if you are

two weeks. If he wants to ask something about dinner he will

is coming near me? I

ith no answer for them. He was still moving in my direction, he was slowly cut

ll moving in

, again and again, he was still star

at will I

l hear it too. In a second, he was in front of me. Unconsciously I lowered my eyes with a racing heart. H

om the refrigerator and went out of the kitchen. I was still standing there like a statue. A

he tryi

I know it was jus

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