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Against His Will.

Chapter 4 No.04

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 17/05/2019

me into the kitchen I was still

going to join us for dinner so w

in a worried voice because I h

my weak voice. Then I asked her what more we

t to the dining room and I

andle small chores like this. It's bett

iend and he was staring at me, while I was setting the table. Lifting my gaze up from

he sm

rk with a racing heart. He continued shamelessly looking at me while I was setting the table. Soon, aunt, Jennifer came with food. We all

me to her son's friend because her son was no

rown hair and a charming smile. "

ed talking to me like we were long lost friends. A

the time he was talking with me and he also made me laugh by his silly jokes. All the time I was laughing during our di

l those stares on me and enjoyed my dinner. When Jack offered me to show New York,

ile leaving he said to me he will be very happy to meet me again. My cheeks started becoming red again. After he was gone aunt Jennifer ad

ack at me. She told me to go and rest remaining work she'll do it. I nod

n sleep in a lit

s in shock my body went stiff because out of the blue someone pinned me to the wall. It is a little dark here s

his warm breath on my pale skin. I glued looking at the angry face."You are not going with him

in his eyes and I saw his cold

face nearer to me if it was even possible. "YOU ARE NOT GOING WITH HIM ANYWHERE, "

with me? He can't c

is my choice you are no one to decide for me. You have no rights on me because I don't remembe

mouth was near my ear. His lips were touching my ear sending tickling

ly belongs to me because you live in my house you have to obey your landlord or I'll

w my ear. In a second he was out of my side and I was left al

he bloody kissed me below my ear" I whispered t

.my thoughts of sleeping in peace

hen I looked at Gray who was sitting in front of me. His food was al

es at him and told him to shut up he was making fun of me. After lunch, we went to the

tness against my back, but something was wa

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