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S**y Ass Detective and Me

Chapter 3 Sexy Wrists

Word Count: 2367    |    Released on: 04/02/2021

bellowed at the bartende

friends that could take me home, and if they ditched m

ave to d

ign voice from beside me asked, and I had to

hot and good-looking. Maybe it was the liquor, but I co

ttempt to sound normal but failed miserably. Yet de

on't you?" He asked with a hin

bel so you bet

d suggestively in a lower tone, cau

" I laughed at not

wasn't funny, but in my drunken state everythi

d? Wouldn't it more lik

im as carefully as I could, analysing if I could trust him or not. My fuzzy m

hot him a death glare in questioning. He rose his hands in sur

to change my order

girl to get wasted

thing. I searched my mind for the name I was given

droop. He chuckled lightly before catc

ngeBob, lets

clue where mine was, and I had no idea why I

asked him even though I kn


r, but I felt water

ldon!" I cried when I only felt mo

sted as I conti

a voice that was defini

was wrapped up in my sheets in my bed at

just a

I was communicating with a ghost, and I was disappointed be

asked, causing me to whip my he

ad no idea how this stranger could've possibly made her wa

use, yet again waking me too. And I was scared becaus

e- in her hand and a glare on her face. I mimicked her glare sinc

you?" I spat, sitt

showcasing a huge diamond on her left hand. I gave her an unimpressed

emanded with a bit more roughness in my voice. This time I got up to stand in

e whoring bitch!" She screeched,

evaluate her. She was pretty and hot and I don't compare

g my arms over my chest. She didn't expect my calm dem

d throw her silicone ass out the window, but I really wanted

or killing my Sheldon!" She sho

get out now before I murder you too" I gritted out, feeling

use and talk to me like that. If we were in the streets and she saw me, then

rding. You are going to rot in jail" She yel

it from her and sailed it across the room. It connected with the wall and sha

report you for breaking and entering" I

ways. So you can go right ahead but I prom

e lowered. My fists were clenched at my sides since

ollowed her all the way to the door to ensure that she was actua

hat either meant she had great lock pick

was, I did

er she wanted to, and I obviously wasn't her favourite p

I could do. I had to ta


officer that performed the initial arrest

t? Well guess who I just woke up to in my house? Sheldon's good for nothing supposingly


in shock, which onl

ed to see that it was Mr Detective himself. It felt slightly

lips. "You really want to be locked up don't you? " On any other day, I w

demand you do something about it. She could be the killer for all I know" I

house this morning when she woke up. We don

ped in shock. "Have you guys even b

s highly unlikely" The detective, who I've just learnt

kill him and you believed her? I did too an

e so after they are married. As far as we see it, there is nothing she could've gained from killing him now"

he found out about the affair, she killed him and wants me next. Isn't it kinda coincidental that after I bro

for only two months and she was fully aware of your relationship. H

ged, already impati

u and marry her freely. She assumed that af

uted. She had this

Pam warned, causing

shit right?" I asked, look

a clear conclusi

here? " I cut him off by asking

et in? " Pam asked

d I had a key to his apartment. Somehow she must've -" I sto

" I que

tment? " Tristan asked with an eyebr

window the night I saw

I had to really take a double

serious r

Leir. This is not looking too good for you. " O

her dead body for your statistics, I hope this moment will sit on your consciences for

g was pinpointing me as the killer again. My anger rose as I made my way

ning around, I hopped into my car and started it. However, to

ry if I made you feel terrible back there. I have no sure way of knowing w

y like to go" I stated quietly, actu

't think it's safe that she has access to your house. Do you have anyone

to far away from me. For now, I woul

the issue. Until then, you just stay with your dad. " H

hen you find anything " I scribbled mine and my d

h and Cianna" He called while I reversed from the parking s

e wrists s

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