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S**y Ass Detective and Me

Chapter 5 Consequences Be Damned

Word Count: 1075    |    Released on: 04/02/2021

uard with the kiss, but he quick

en I would've noticed that he wasn't making naughty inside jokes about locking me up all along.

d to move his lips roughly against mine. I couldn't help but run my fingers throu

lly giving him better access. I gasped when he thrust his tongue inside my mouth as my mind got foggier by the second. I kissed hi

him. I watched him wide eyed as he did the same. But somet

s I thi

or my dead ex's case

g but to no avail. I opened and closed my eyes a couple times to see if it was

uttered as I made eye

his thumb down my cheek, causing a shiver to run through my spine at the simple gesture


d pathetically, but h

h brooding eyes, calling m

d into that interrogation room. But I knew if I did, things would not go how I wanted it. I didn't even know wha

nto the want evident i

I had expected him to leave, but instead h

" He asked from the o

shouted a lit

r you, we can take it

confusion. 'Had I just made th

s talk" He pleaded, and I realiz

d kissed a boy with cuties so I decided

stead he looked concerned. I was relieved, but I also wasn't ready for th

inally asked, making

ve kissed you. " I mumbled as

n't you l

confused at this, so I attempted to make it clearer. "If I'm being honest, I've been a

nt like what we just had" He finished my s

stole a cookie from the cookie jar- a really hot cookie. But when he took a few s

lowly. "Because I know

weird? You know, given the circumstances" I asked almost inau

rook of my neck. "But for one, this doesn't have to be rom

y eyes fluttered closed when he continue to leave hot kisses d

ed through heavy breaths. My body obviously

flesh again. "It's your choice. Though I wou

ried to say but it came

emoved his head from my neck and gazed into my eyes intensely. My breathing was still h

capturing my lips with his again, and that's wh

d now will just

es be damn

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