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S**y Ass Detective and Me

Chapter 4 I’m A Big Girl, Detective

Word Count: 1632    |    Released on: 04/02/2021

ted at the stupid TV show he loved so much. He simply shr

us that we were polar opposites. We found interest in completely different things, so

perfect opportunity to escape from the t

on my numb feet to the door. I combed my fingers through my thick

t his presence and got rid of a piece of popcorn was stuck to my face. I was expecting him to come by eventual

sports bra and bed shorts. I shifted uncomfortably when his eyes took

eeted sharply, elim

and thrust a hand out for me to tak

can im

ticipation. I didn't mind staying with my dad, but the

n town either, so I'm assuming she fled. But there is somet

? That only me

ng a chuckle from Tristan. "But

d I'll show you"

a date? " I questioned with narrowed eyes, thou

ok his head. I could see the clear dip of a dimple on

I would've asked you like a gentle

entleman? Askin

ck around to find out" He winked playfully. I bit

ht with you." I told him as we walked to the liv

e asked without

the dete

at my baby didn't do-" He stopped quickly when he final

oo laid back to

" Tristan curtly gree

be with a small chuckle as I ran to my old room to throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a cropped top. It was all I

fully charged phone and met t

ckly dropped a kiss on my dad's che

open for me. I struggled to hop in since being 5'3 and 22 wa

n embarrassment, but he seemed to be enjoying it quite well. Once I was up, I was sur

cheeks to hide my embarrassment. I knew he could see ho

? " His voice snapped me back to r

bled, tucking my h

h me? I was never

while, and I noticed that we were heading in the direction of my house. It got me anxious to


cut through the thick silence in the

ctive at such a young age? " I asked, internally s

assume that

g" I shrugged.

k, but he didn't remove his hand from it. "I am

it anyways, since I really wanted to know. It took a whil

ding out to see how well you do this case

ced how his hand was sliding down

sexy tone, and his hand finally made contact with my bare kn

a strained voice as my body blazed on fire. A light flashed

ere parked in front of my house. I cursed lowly but compo

suppose to be in mourning or something? Yea Sheldon and I didn't end things on t

r the detective on the case

a s

oor, and I gasped in shock whe

you bitch"

elt scared, but then I

er thing coming. If she was indeed the murderer, which it was quite

t down without a fi

l flirting gone. "It would help if you can get a security system installed

etective. I can t

s just a suggestion" He added, but his

r right? " What other reason would he have t

onetheless." I cant say until we have her in custo

eyes at that

rawled sarcastically before pushing the d

him. "Don't think for a second that I think you did it. Something is off about the

ring my eyes to him. "A really desirous interest

o mumble out through

you're different.

appened after because I jumped to m

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