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The Billionaire's Secret Affair

The Billionaire's Secret Affair


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1195    |    Released on: 19/02/2021

... F

n the pleasure his woman was giving him. His body e

s mouth was so hot that it added even more to his craving for i

er baby ..

hat he was about to cum, so he stood up and took off her cloth

fueled his intense urge to claim her. When he could no longer bear it, he himself helped h

nd felt with each other. When he found the woman’s breast, he played it. He massaged them and squeezed them. She has a perfectly round

eck and saw what he was looking for. He kissed her nipple

... a

woman’s sensitive part was their breast. An advantage for him b

rst massaged it lightly. The woman instantly widened her legs as access to what was about to happen. In a standing position

rius ...

come out soon, that he moved

hand down to his thigh. He took the hand and looked at it. He stared at the woman before licking the ju

lips. He took her to bed and laid it there. The woman was smiling and very ready for

made sure he left marks on her belly while he parted her leg with his

es when she felt another pang of release. Her body was restless and her hands were

and licking her clitoris. He changed their position, and she was now on

me, baby,”

her wet cunt on his huge and erect manhood. She was s

d guided her up and down to his manhood while the woman was biting her lower lip. She repeated

st count on how many times Andrius made her cum. His ability

a foil of condom. He put it on his thing and he entere

e woman smiled seductively and curled herself to him. Their

ting so hard and sweats were all over his face. He pulled

, Andrius?” the woman said w

bed. He took his clothes that scattered on the floor that the

do fuck!” Andrius said wh

She forgot that Andrius was a monster in bed, but hated commitments. What did

me, Carina,” Andrius said wh

shole!” her res

was not interested in his woman’s name, actually. For hi

to the elevator. He then went straight t

llionaire at a young age. He was the CEO of the Monterio Cha

and called his receptionist. It also rang a few t

ing for the job?” he a

sigh before

ure this time. You already have some secretar

cretaries were also very fragile and gave up immediat

greed before turn

s going to have a

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