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The Billionaire's Secret Affair


Word Count: 1071    |    Released on: 19/02/2021

the employees inside the building. She really caught their eye and attention. Classy, pretty a

aged woman. But that was from the past and she doesn’t want to

said. She continued walking until she reached the reception

led, in

for the applying secretary?” she

ed the woman to be in her mid-thirties. Mirrored to the eye and with a strict

She did not even blink. She just l

what she said. Everything was just as easy. Who will hire an e

credentials to her,0 but she just stared at it. Then the receptionist tur

saying? Maybe it was just a prank? Anya looked around. Every

re?” she as

g her a piece of paper. “That’s Mr. M

She was hired as Mr. Monterio’s secretary in

s office was on the twentieth floor. It looked like her office was

rd! Someone

r day was stressful but the sudden acceptance of her job was even more stressful. She just hoped his future boss was kin

th floor. He stared at her for a moment before he continued going insi

she asked

they stepped on the twentieth floor, they went out at the same time. Exactly someone called o


ng important,” she replied. She even rolled his eyes as if sh

ce in your house while you live together. Get a life,

llided with it and she lost her balance. She expected to fall in the ground, but it didn’t happen. She just felt her

here is a concern

opped herself from blushing. She just didn’t know if it was effective. She felt

y the wa

with inside the elevator a while ago. His crazy aura earlier w

his loud voice roared all over the place.

ust being polite here.”

as before, he turned her head to foot

” He frowned when

etary,” she replied. She al

secretary?” it was a s

but she did not budge. If her boss wa

You don’t

was with t

to her new boss before turning around. “Attorney Kraius Montreal,

her hand and winked. He wanted to roll her eyes on hi

ce.” He pointed to Attorney Montreal. “And you!” He swallowed before

uld happen to her in the next few days of working at M

How could sh

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