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The Billionaire's Secret Affair


Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 19/02/2021

He could not understand Mrs. Alonzo wh

pleasure this time.” she last said be

to like his new secretary so he should not worry at all. But, h

led the most important person in his life. It was als


ly upon hearing the

” her voice greeted h

now because the office hour was already over

baby. How’s the

e just ended up calling them every day. He was older than Sofia for about three years. Their dad died a long time ago when he was still in college. He was

ids missed you so much! When will you vis

ter all, the management of their hotel cannot be left alone. He has a l

He misses

isit you soon,” he said sa

en in his woman, he set his standard high. Many of them ended as his FuBu because he co

hope you can fin

That’s anothe

each other. Sofia was also busy taking care of th

d as he uttered the word triplets. Who would have thought that when Sofia got pregnant again, sh

ne back on the table and he looked at the four corners of his office. He sighed again. This

t home. Strange, but he wanted to visit his own house. He used to go to hi

ing for him. He immediately got inside and drove away from the place. Even before he finally got away from the

ock in the evening, so it surprised him that there was still someone in his building. When he approac

to its interior. It screamed luxury and power. It was one of the tallest buildings in t

d all over her face while leaning on the table in front of her. She looked p

d her white neck to him. Even half of her face was obvious to him.

moved when he touched her cheek. He sighed and hurried away from her. His eyes were still hang


k his head to bring his own mind back to justice. He could

you sleep

while. Eh, aren’t we still GCQ today?” he replied. It e


e was something in his secretary that seemed to pull him closer to i

d you home,” he said and looked away.

u are just being forced, d

e could act on the seat, Andrius did not hesitate to lift her secretary. T

ing? Put me down

said indi

s car to get in there. Anya frowned as he turned, so he laughed. He did not find any gi

im big

time he glanced at the girl who was serious beside

hanks for the ride

girl in her place. He immediately raised an eyebrow

a handful between them before their lips finally met but it did not happen. He j

ng?” she stuttered

ga.” He smiled in response a

out of the car. He watched her enter their yard bef

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