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Alpha's Hated Mate

Alpha's Hated Mate

Author: Swimmer


Word Count: 2469    |    Released on: 13/06/2021




m always anxious but today is different and he knows it. He can see

my lips into a pout, if there is one thing

but I know what it is before he says it. He sighs

atever you want.” He says scr

ling my arms around him an

I continue to repeat,

.” Someone says behin

ng in front of us, he seems to have run a marat

behind him. We call Ryan the Mystical One because he is simply too good to be t

tack.” The man retorts,

or.” Ryan demands without looking at me,

s is one of those moments, Ryan has always kept me fr

I run to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I begin to count backwards to divert attention from the noise I’m

ind myself peeping through it. The first thing I see is a middle aged


wall till I settle on the floor

ng to protect this pack then he would have died for a good cause isn’t it? ‘No Camilla don’t think like that.’ I te

e again when I see who it is, I relax. “Come here sweetie, why did

ck and kisses the top of my head. “I’m scared… Mich

re princess.” He assures me and I nod my response. I know I’m safe with him

, princess, you can’t let every l

, wiping my tears. My Dad has been a vast pa

rique who happens to be my father’s younger brother has had

he youngest of their kids, they only had five kids, Selena who m

elena. Then Ryan, our current Alpha, then the twins Michelle and

head, “I wish I could

o school.” I sniff, smi

my Mom pulled me out of school and I’ve been homeschooled since then and this is su

to experience it for myself. Ryan said he couldn’t get me into any school because it’s the middle of

t I’m a pretty fast learner and I do

papers and waited for me to complete the test’s and they do compare my marks to other students and according to them I’m a five star

placed an order for spect

e, “I ne

ision is great. So tell me why is it that yo

my eyes weirdly and I don’t l

es me low key after everything that’s happened in the past. People would call me a freak because I had eyes different f

You’re beautiful and smart, don't let anyone t

to know I’m not ‘Beautifu

t I wanted to ask… can I go with ev

lated and well thought over. “I wi

me go to most parties held in the pack so outside th

t he agrees, princess

and down I c

with Luna or Beta all

gle, crossing my fin

ghtly. “Hmm so why c

to go and pack. Your Mom will kill me if I miss

you both so m

shes back a smile, “Maybe

year and don’t worry I will be right here when you come back.”

with a hint of worry, which in turn worries

ngout with your friends or do w

” I shrug. And truly, I don’t. I have a group I interact with often but we are not friends. I feel ever

ke it. He lets out a small growl of frustration before

om ear to ear, hoping he smiles too, and he does, only it doesn’t

nswer option. I watch him as he brings it to his ear, his other hand still holding mine. “Hey! Yes I remember,

and proceeds to the door, “I know, I’m on my way right now.” I he

’ve assured me a tragedy as such can’t hit me twice. The first time was unfortunate and Mom Reina

ly aroused by every story I've heard about them. I would have loved to have known them both

tage is clear as day, even after all these years. It's like they knew they were going to die befor

ad the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, Dad proclaims I get my eyes fr

smile could light up any room, she was surreal. My dad was handsome

way he looked at my mom that he adored her like she was the

to look for Arielle, Ryan's mate. I took a qui

ut Ryan being the good husband he is, traded some of his people for them just so Arielle could have her beloved friends with her.

and Arielle with their matching T-shirts and pink hair, an odd color but they make it work. Vanessa is mouthing something to them and they

smiles. “Hey, baby.” they say in unison. I smile politely, “Guess wha

arty, you have to be there.” Ashanti giggles, twir

to me, “I hope you didn't get scared by t

hat I saw earlier flooding my mind. I take a deep b

meet mine she nods. “Yep, he's good. He's delivering de

for this pack is a bonus for her, she worries less because h

he table, I smile and mouth a silent ‘Thank you’ to her before taking my seat, next to Mina. Vanes

did or what happened on the TV show they all watch which Arielle barely has time to

put it down till two in the morning, aside from the fact that it’s a masterpiece at its best. I found out long ago I thr

r do

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1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Chapter 2 Alpha Adrian3 Chapter 3 Alpha Adrian4 Chapter 4 Camilla5 Chapter 5 Camilla6 Chapter 6 Weak Luna 7 Chapter 7 Camilla8 Chapter 8 Beta Santiago9 Chapter 9 Beta Santiago10 Chapter 10 Camilla11 Chapter 11 Camilla12 Chapter 12 MIRABELLE13 Chapter 13 MIRABELLE14 Chapter 14 Beta Santiago 15 Chapter 15 Beta Santiago16 Chapter 16 Milla 17 Chapter 17 Alpha Adrian18 Chapter 18 Alpha Adrian19 Chapter 19 Alpha Adrian20 Chapter 20 Mirabelle21 Chapter 21 MIRABELLE22 Chapter 22 Beta Santiago23 Chapter 23 Camilla24 Chapter 24 Camilla25 Chapter 25 MIRABELLE26 Chapter 26 MIRABELLE27 Chapter 27 Beta Santiago 28 Chapter 28 Beta Santiago29 Chapter 29 Arielle30 Chapter 30 Arielle31 Chapter 31 Camilla32 Chapter 32 Camilla33 Chapter 33 Camilla34 Chapter 34 Camilla35 Chapter 35 Camilla36 Chapter 36 Camilla37 Chapter 37 Alpha Adrian38 Chapter 38 Alpha Adrian39 Chapter 39 Alpha Adrian40 Chapter 40 Alpha Adrian41 Chapter 41 Adrian and Camilla42 Chapter 42 Camilla 43 Chapter 43 Camilla44 Chapter 44 Alpha Adrian45 Chapter 45 Alpha Adrian46 Chapter 46 Alpha Adrian47 Chapter 47 Alpha Adrian48 Chapter 48 Alpha Adrian49 Chapter 49 Alpha Adrian50 Chapter 50 MIRABELLE51 Chapter 51 Mirabelle52 Chapter 52 MIRABELLE53 Chapter 53 Mirabelle54 Chapter 54 Camilla55 Chapter 55 Camilla56 Chapter 56 Camilla57 Chapter 57 Fight 58 Chapter 58 Camilla59 Chapter 59 Mirabelle60 Chapter 60 Mirabelle 61 Chapter 61 Angel62 Chapter 62 Angel63 Chapter 63 CAMILLA 64 Chapter 64 Camilla 65 Chapter 65 CAMILLA 66 Chapter 66 Camilla67 Chapter 67 Mirabelle68 Chapter 68 Camilla69 Chapter 69 Camilla70 Chapter 70 Camilla71 Chapter 71 Alpha Adrian72 Chapter 72 Alpha Adrian73 Chapter 73 Alpha Adrian74 Chapter 74 Beta Santiago75 Chapter 75 Beta Santiago76 Chapter 76 Beta Santiago77 Chapter 77 Beta Santiago78 Chapter 78 Camilla79 Chapter 79 Camilla80 Chapter 80 Camilla 81 Chapter 81 CAMILLA 82 Chapter 82 Camilla83 Chapter 83 Camilla84 Chapter 84 Camilla 85 Chapter 85 MIRABELLE86 Chapter 86 MIRABELLE87 Chapter 87 Mirabelle88 Chapter 88 MIRABELLE89 Chapter 89 CAMILLA90 Chapter 90 CAMILLA 91 Chapter 91 CAMILLA 92 Chapter 92 CAMILLA 93 Chapter 93 CAMILLA 94 Chapter 94 CAMILLA 95 Chapter 95 Camilla96 Chapter 96 Camilla97 Chapter 97 Camilla98 Chapter 98 Beta Santiago 99 Chapter 99 Beta Santiago 100 Chapter 100 Beta Santiago