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Alpha's Hated Mate

Chapter 2 Alpha Adrian

Word Count: 2054    |    Released on: 13/06/2021




papers and filing with the help of my Beta who al

acob simply couldn’t have thought I would agree to the te

s, ”So then, their third r

hat goes wit

otests. Ah, I don’t know why he always goes against me but stands beside me when we’re out th

warriors? That’s not happening. I could trade them but Jacob thinks he has some hold on me because of that land and I

. Surely he knows my plan will be to take

she enters before I can utter a word. My sister is at the door, a wide smile on her face when the door swings open, one I never want to see fade. “Alph

st two years ago. I’ve attained quite the prestige around these parts and I’ve won Alpha

“My moon goddess.” I smile at her as she makes her way in

ople see this stunning girl with immense benevolence but me? All I see is a goofy little brat when I look at her but oth

intertwine as she bites her tongue, Santiago waves her off and go

this, barely. But today, I have a lot on my mind and plate. Looking directly at her, I tap my pen on the desk, “Moon you know I will

ow, Alpha Rya

far my sister goes to piss me off. I’m in here working and she comes with her bullshit, not h

her antics. “Moon get to the point,

e him. “Never mind.” She pouts“ I was just angr

he fact that one of the only three worthy

don’t give her a reaction, instead I grab another file in the hope that she’ll see how busy I am and leave but no, she doesn’t, she

plus Ryan's territory isn’t somewhere I’d be caught dead. We had a deal and we kept it that way. Santia

on me. “ Well I hope you know that it’s not only a birthday party but a celebration organised by the co

th me, certainly not. I matched he

self faster, tossing her hair behind her back, she flashes her pearly white teeth at both Santi

way so I keep to my file, a second later I hear her grunt, her foot stomping the floor like she did when she was a toddler

graceful. I clench my teeth, “I've already lost three of my sisters because I didn’t take care of them as I shou

, then his lips stretch into a smile. “C

he hundred files we’ve analysed today. Stretching in his seat, Santiago kicks my foot, “Okay so blue is the

e you going

ing from the door to me. “The party m

before I kick off my seat. “Sure wh

he has those facial features only a surgeon can make and he loathes it. Stretching out his fee

are desperate for power cock. I suck

to shower once more before heading out, it’s a long drive

, but take you

ley e

k you’re funny,

other is travelling her life away with her girlfriends and I’m in charge of Mirabelle, considering my elder brother Martin is away s

or lies in her eyes. “I was about to break this goddamn door down. How

, “You know Alpha Adrian, you need a chill pill

r sleeve, but I’m not buying it or checking it, I have had a long day. “Tiago and I are about to leave, Michelle wil

want an eighteen year old to babysit? And me? I’m seven

y rules.” I tell

mething in me that I didn’t like. I know she likes to go out but her room has everything girls her age like, if she wanted I’d put a fridge u

nts Pack, this pack is wo

t I meet two of my pack doc

spect and greeting, I nod my head and

tiago waiting by the BMW X7 I bought online over a

t for Alpha’s sore eyes.” I

claps, giving a

ar, “I was talking about this ba

very dramatic movie scene type o


the car, “The

ul paint, the way it shines, I can’t not smile, “Wow.

with this car or lose to me

to mop the floor with you and Lexi.” I smirk. Lexi is his car now I know you’re wondering who n

let me know he’s good to go. Santiago lets me win, like he often does and trust me

let you win. You’re ge


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1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Chapter 2 Alpha Adrian3 Chapter 3 Alpha Adrian4 Chapter 4 Camilla5 Chapter 5 Camilla6 Chapter 6 Weak Luna 7 Chapter 7 Camilla8 Chapter 8 Beta Santiago9 Chapter 9 Beta Santiago10 Chapter 10 Camilla11 Chapter 11 Camilla12 Chapter 12 MIRABELLE13 Chapter 13 MIRABELLE14 Chapter 14 Beta Santiago 15 Chapter 15 Beta Santiago16 Chapter 16 Milla 17 Chapter 17 Alpha Adrian18 Chapter 18 Alpha Adrian19 Chapter 19 Alpha Adrian20 Chapter 20 Mirabelle21 Chapter 21 MIRABELLE22 Chapter 22 Beta Santiago23 Chapter 23 Camilla24 Chapter 24 Camilla25 Chapter 25 MIRABELLE26 Chapter 26 MIRABELLE27 Chapter 27 Beta Santiago 28 Chapter 28 Beta Santiago29 Chapter 29 Arielle30 Chapter 30 Arielle31 Chapter 31 Camilla32 Chapter 32 Camilla33 Chapter 33 Camilla34 Chapter 34 Camilla35 Chapter 35 Camilla36 Chapter 36 Camilla37 Chapter 37 Alpha Adrian38 Chapter 38 Alpha Adrian39 Chapter 39 Alpha Adrian40 Chapter 40 Alpha Adrian41 Chapter 41 Adrian and Camilla42 Chapter 42 Camilla 43 Chapter 43 Camilla44 Chapter 44 Alpha Adrian45 Chapter 45 Alpha Adrian46 Chapter 46 Alpha Adrian47 Chapter 47 Alpha Adrian48 Chapter 48 Alpha Adrian49 Chapter 49 Alpha Adrian50 Chapter 50 MIRABELLE51 Chapter 51 Mirabelle52 Chapter 52 MIRABELLE53 Chapter 53 Mirabelle54 Chapter 54 Camilla55 Chapter 55 Camilla56 Chapter 56 Camilla57 Chapter 57 Fight 58 Chapter 58 Camilla59 Chapter 59 Mirabelle60 Chapter 60 Mirabelle 61 Chapter 61 Angel62 Chapter 62 Angel63 Chapter 63 CAMILLA 64 Chapter 64 Camilla 65 Chapter 65 CAMILLA 66 Chapter 66 Camilla67 Chapter 67 Mirabelle68 Chapter 68 Camilla69 Chapter 69 Camilla70 Chapter 70 Camilla71 Chapter 71 Alpha Adrian72 Chapter 72 Alpha Adrian73 Chapter 73 Alpha Adrian74 Chapter 74 Beta Santiago75 Chapter 75 Beta Santiago76 Chapter 76 Beta Santiago77 Chapter 77 Beta Santiago78 Chapter 78 Camilla79 Chapter 79 Camilla80 Chapter 80 Camilla 81 Chapter 81 CAMILLA 82 Chapter 82 Camilla83 Chapter 83 Camilla84 Chapter 84 Camilla 85 Chapter 85 MIRABELLE86 Chapter 86 MIRABELLE87 Chapter 87 Mirabelle88 Chapter 88 MIRABELLE89 Chapter 89 CAMILLA90 Chapter 90 CAMILLA 91 Chapter 91 CAMILLA 92 Chapter 92 CAMILLA 93 Chapter 93 CAMILLA 94 Chapter 94 CAMILLA 95 Chapter 95 Camilla96 Chapter 96 Camilla97 Chapter 97 Camilla98 Chapter 98 Beta Santiago 99 Chapter 99 Beta Santiago 100 Chapter 100 Beta Santiago