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Alpha's Hated Mate

Chapter 5 Camilla

Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 13/06/2021


noisy and the door had ‘302’ and ‘stay out’ written on it. I made my way to the

four eyed gargo

hind her. She's pretty, definitely popular. Her eyes dance around, mischief clear

say, in panic I try to go around her but she sets a foot in

uth turning into a pout, “Sor

mentally roll my eyes as I pick myself up and dust my u

finger pointed to my face, “Watc

mes play chess together and he doesn’t necessarily let me win. His eyes flicker between Raquel and me, everyone that was obl

d on me, “Princes

argoyle ruined my morning.” Raquel

Raquel, leave her alone she's done nothing to you so

hands reaching for me, I flinch, closing my eyes as I await what I thought she was doing but it doesn’t come, I open my eyes gla

“First of all don't fucking touch her and second, I know Pr

t, batting her overly long eyelashes at him, “And me? I'm one

her alone or

You are joking right? I'm your girlfriend.

and less from the picture I’ve drawn in my head based on w

e says trying

once again sounding and looking like a bratty kid that doesn’t want

“Apologise to her and welcome her like you sho

turns to leave once again, she gr

rrupts her, still facin

ich results in a couple fight which leads to the popular girl hating my

around and

a.” I t

overreacted, welcome to our class you'll have a very pleasant day that I

logised.” She

an take a sit over there second row front seat none of t

the seat he mentioned while ever

Well I'm the girl that created quite a show on my first day and that will n

look very much in love. That means one day Raquel will join the Dark Moon Pack. I turn away from them and gl

ough high school movies to know she's here to mark her territory but I’m not into Mikel like that. Flipping her hair to the

o far off, she wants to rui

t of your grade.” A middle aged woman carrying a Dior handbag who I assume is the teacher, announces as she makes her

r desk, she straightens. “But first I'm told we

of punishment.” Raquel answ

to join her upfront, “Come up here

they're all staring at me, half of them judging m

nerves. “Hello, my name is Cami

just tell us your goddamn name

od and funny. If I don't entertain her or show her she's getting to me, she will find someone el

k to draw attention to her. “Quiet! And Raquel quit bein

ng her out, Miss Vand

ing us. And oh what you don't know is Camilla has been a member of this class since the 10th grade, and she's a gre

ll, for the second time today. Everyone laughs includ

ar a taunting voice in my head yelling at me. I wanted to come to school to feel somet

yes Jessica collect the bags and put them in the front, I don't want to catch anyone

k at the door and Jessica, the girl who collected the bags, opens it, two girls

with maroon falling to her back, her skin is glowing so much it could light up a room. The other girl has red

re the bags are. The red head flips her off and rol

nt of your grade at the end of the school year. So take a seat wherever yo

in whispers taking their seats. One is sit

swer sheets to everyone. She gave us the go ahead and we turned in our papers. When I started flipping through this paper

take a look around, everyone is rushing now, when I bring my head to the girl n

re forty marks for it. Only an angel

d Rodriguez switch seats with H

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1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Chapter 2 Alpha Adrian3 Chapter 3 Alpha Adrian4 Chapter 4 Camilla5 Chapter 5 Camilla6 Chapter 6 Weak Luna 7 Chapter 7 Camilla8 Chapter 8 Beta Santiago9 Chapter 9 Beta Santiago10 Chapter 10 Camilla11 Chapter 11 Camilla12 Chapter 12 MIRABELLE13 Chapter 13 MIRABELLE14 Chapter 14 Beta Santiago 15 Chapter 15 Beta Santiago16 Chapter 16 Milla 17 Chapter 17 Alpha Adrian18 Chapter 18 Alpha Adrian19 Chapter 19 Alpha Adrian20 Chapter 20 Mirabelle21 Chapter 21 MIRABELLE22 Chapter 22 Beta Santiago23 Chapter 23 Camilla24 Chapter 24 Camilla25 Chapter 25 MIRABELLE26 Chapter 26 MIRABELLE27 Chapter 27 Beta Santiago 28 Chapter 28 Beta Santiago29 Chapter 29 Arielle30 Chapter 30 Arielle31 Chapter 31 Camilla32 Chapter 32 Camilla33 Chapter 33 Camilla34 Chapter 34 Camilla35 Chapter 35 Camilla36 Chapter 36 Camilla37 Chapter 37 Alpha Adrian38 Chapter 38 Alpha Adrian39 Chapter 39 Alpha Adrian40 Chapter 40 Alpha Adrian41 Chapter 41 Adrian and Camilla42 Chapter 42 Camilla 43 Chapter 43 Camilla44 Chapter 44 Alpha Adrian45 Chapter 45 Alpha Adrian46 Chapter 46 Alpha Adrian47 Chapter 47 Alpha Adrian48 Chapter 48 Alpha Adrian49 Chapter 49 Alpha Adrian50 Chapter 50 MIRABELLE51 Chapter 51 Mirabelle52 Chapter 52 MIRABELLE53 Chapter 53 Mirabelle54 Chapter 54 Camilla55 Chapter 55 Camilla56 Chapter 56 Camilla57 Chapter 57 Fight 58 Chapter 58 Camilla59 Chapter 59 Mirabelle60 Chapter 60 Mirabelle 61 Chapter 61 Angel62 Chapter 62 Angel63 Chapter 63 CAMILLA 64 Chapter 64 Camilla 65 Chapter 65 CAMILLA 66 Chapter 66 Camilla67 Chapter 67 Mirabelle68 Chapter 68 Camilla69 Chapter 69 Camilla70 Chapter 70 Camilla71 Chapter 71 Alpha Adrian72 Chapter 72 Alpha Adrian73 Chapter 73 Alpha Adrian74 Chapter 74 Beta Santiago75 Chapter 75 Beta Santiago76 Chapter 76 Beta Santiago77 Chapter 77 Beta Santiago78 Chapter 78 Camilla79 Chapter 79 Camilla80 Chapter 80 Camilla 81 Chapter 81 CAMILLA 82 Chapter 82 Camilla83 Chapter 83 Camilla84 Chapter 84 Camilla 85 Chapter 85 MIRABELLE86 Chapter 86 MIRABELLE87 Chapter 87 Mirabelle88 Chapter 88 MIRABELLE89 Chapter 89 CAMILLA90 Chapter 90 CAMILLA 91 Chapter 91 CAMILLA 92 Chapter 92 CAMILLA 93 Chapter 93 CAMILLA 94 Chapter 94 CAMILLA 95 Chapter 95 Camilla96 Chapter 96 Camilla97 Chapter 97 Camilla98 Chapter 98 Beta Santiago 99 Chapter 99 Beta Santiago 100 Chapter 100 Beta Santiago