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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 676    |    Released on: 26/08/2021

st immediately and a

, in confusion. This was the supposed address r

s head but he decided to sta

o you

a puzzled look as h

. do a girl named

pefully and she

rt is living here.. as you can see,

till standing b

I guess it was a wr

e old woman nodded an

tside waiting and when they saw his peased off app

ds them with a huge

huh, all I asked was to find a girl's locati

and they all bowed

r.. we will rect

asn't ready for any silly excuse, all he

her apartments aro

into his car, same with his


ife was drained from her fac

g Lord, who had once made advances to he

bluffing at that moment as she disgraced him by pouring a drink all over him, which

are you d

as she was so scared to

hat's mine pumpki

k showing off

t yours and n

ly thinking of a possi

that, because you are coming

with a col

able locate.. my place an

d his men that she didn't notice that were with him. She still ran inside her apartme

e hold materials were broken, in


ok hold of her, as they carried her and

screamed but all her s

p! H

ody he

ut nobody was around at

r up.. w

brought out a syringe and drove it

lease le

to complete her statement as she

van, with their boss behind them as

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