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Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1036    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

met it wide open and he ached his brows at once, as he wondered if his si

ems that was littered on the floor, so he quickly went into t

inter... Whe

repeatedly but

e all the house hold items that was littered on the floor

t and no one else, he was the sole reason why his sister had to work on t

came in looking so worried and he furrowed his

ave you done

putting on suits and which he had pressumed to be

t here so how

looking around as he

r is your

lived her

he walked over to che

it ob

udely as he paced to

d why are you l

ked him f

d of hers.. and I think that som

ch around the place for a possible clue of a

t's you

rtherly not minding



th dropped

ess tycoon, I always use to see on TV.. I ne

d at him feeling amazed an

last time you s

ling worried as he pressumed that he had

he was doing alright so I don't know what must have happened th

droplet of tears

ing to make sure

y as he patted tari

take it, if something

rtherly ad

at we could call right now for a p

her close friend who use to come around to visit her sometimes a


or grocery when her phone rang and she qu

to a shop to ha


d to th

I speakin

d her brows in confusion wonde

s me, is ther


winter, she seems to have gone missing so

d and she fel

previous day.. oh no what could have happened to

and the ph

f the possible thing that could have happened to her frien


ied to regain conciousness, her eyes was

t and saw that she was on top of a bed in a small room tha

and no one was around to safe her, as a syringe was driven to

there, as soon as possible, but how could she when

as so surprised that it wasn't locked and she opened it and went out but she saw no

e jerk her to a stop and she

l... Our sleeping be

rned back and saw him staring at her with a smirk on his face as

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