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Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 27/10/2021


into Winter apartment and her eyes nearly popped out o

of the scene and she entered fully and saw young man who had

r direction and she was unable to believe her eyes

Callot let geez who doesn't know him, he was every ladies dream man

n his muscular figure, then something caught her at

offered winter a decent Job but she had bluntf

rance, when his voice


ce and she nodded repeatedl

m, what happ

ght of a possible thing that her frien

I came here and met t

ned his back to them as a

n.. don't worry she

him and held him in a tight hug as she l

Callot and the cops giving her intense gaze and she c

k with h

asked her a


f with someone of

d her f

as the argument she had with this young

he police man nodded a

say this but I think you ha

as he led him to the othe


I was the culprit will I still call the

as he followed the police


trollable tears stream down her eyes, oh no s

got her pride and dignity intact and that had be

, instead she could have accepted her fate, she stared at her ripped clothes as many mark of bruises wa


ake all the pains that was thre


ith a huge smirk on their faces, and he ge

rcefully as she struggled with them repea



dly as they made her k

thought you could e


back alive.. I own them all because I

r face him as he yank her hai

hat way I love when someone is in pain,

an evil grin a

I was so sorry for pouring drink o

, but instead she got a loud deafening slap f

are to disgrace me, now you are going to be purnish

f her shirt at once leaving her only on her lacy bra and he grinned liking the sensation that he was feeling from see

re it off also leaving her only on her pant

all her body seems to be on fire with excess pains and as that wasn't enough. He i

with him, repeatedly instead he was feeling good with the pain

aptive also, he had wanted to make her his girl and treat her with a little car

out a cigarette to him and he took it to his lips and puffed out smoke r


just like winter, when she got here and had also passed through so mu

hey wasn't enough, but not until she was sold by her own blood parents, it was so unbelievably as she hea

se she believes that no responsible parents in their right mind will

ories, but looking at this venurable girl laying on

ho is now regarded as a cheap slut even though she didn't really like the Job she was doing but sh

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