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The Contract(Miss Perfection)

Chapter 2 How dare you

Word Count: 1118    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

of her alarm, she yawned stre

feeling. The morning felt so different from the

alks out of her room, her destina

ad always warned her saying it's awkward for a lady to choose raci

nd went to her boyfriend - Ronald. He is t

eams to have, and her rich parents that supplies her with whatever

her speed as she raced, her phone bee

p it turns out to be her boyfriend- Ro

amed her smile spread


nd I couldn't wait to hear

eeing it as a priority to be the first

lready racing but I still made sure you

o early?" He questioned his tone

know my passion for racing beside it isn't too early it's just 6;30

tly understand. I'm j

ne and I____" her voice trailed off as she he

ng figure that was runnin

She had alm

Babe! Is ever

d worriedly o

" she said plainly hunging up as she opened

ng. Are you fine?" She questioned

" She ex

he guy standing in front of her, Ronald d

nose, well chiseled face that held his handsome feature

omething?" He barked

' she said bl

ou're deaf als

e, everyone treated her with respect not becau

he said pl

ous time since you aren't in your righ

e whenever you're driving" he added turning to

stick your blind eyes on the right lane els

ed faci

af but do you mind repeati

u'd heard what I said" she replied finding it di


licated bitch I'd ever

s any name she hated to

jaw wasting no time as she

ritted his teeth his

going to smack you but__" she was still talking when he gra

ody felt so weak to fight back she found herself sta

't do that.

there was anything she wanted

hed his mouth came down

n up. And that was when the main torture began as their tongue entangled and she couldn'

ms like eternity when she fina

e took two step ba

rrested for that"

ver try such" he replied his voice changing to a taunting one

ad is the wealthiest in Renal town and my boyfri

st about that" he warned stuf

Others would immediately bow down to her


brat and beside I never knew that

erk" she fired at

" he replied removing his onc

the best guy for you" he said and with that

back to her car reversing

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