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The Contract(Miss Perfection)

Chapter 5 No Marriage, No deal

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

e thinking I'm going to marry you, Not

s from the first place and

know about

joke" she fum

riage than I do, How about you lectu

aw cl

ing," she said w

a boyfriend, who I

scrap-? He chided purp

ded. I wouldn't have it from you

ot exchange of words forgetting t

f them as they both glance his way, each murm

ter their argument as everyone retu

spoke up break

wife?" His questi

om his food and faced h

fortune my dad had kept for me; he had it willed to his lawyer tha

id rapt attention to the n

a household and access his fortune with

tting married to

he remarked ma

d to her Dad-, i

dad had hi

he might end up agre

e's no hope in a loveless marriage. The most i

exception then" Ja

y, and her eyes flickered brig

her dad wouldn

red his

. You have to get marri

thought she hadn'

ed, once,

he called her

off?" Her voice shooked

for us, Jane. You would

lled-, for the first time l

u guys to settle your disp

" Jane fi

retorted, storming o

e waiting for her, cursing and swearing as she walks


o her workplace, her secreta

retary greeted as she co

ioned ignoring her greeting as she walked

aven't sealed the deal with them. That company is hone

queried as she stopped at the door

confirmed th

ck, turning he

all for

e files we

t that" she

l? She ques

one last

tment by 5 pm" her


ith a marria

what? She

counselor?. This must be her dad's doin

to this? She que

ell her that she should

t bossy, boss but she had n

s your dad" she ap

she nodded t

o you work fo

you, m

e orders from him?"

you saw the marriage counselor e

he ordered as she settles on her couch


a long one, she couldn't wait for them

th them for the past few weeks and

desk wanting to take a nap

ked it up staring at

e said to t

u doing" the laco

one to tell


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