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The Contract(Miss Perfection)

Chapter 3 Are we going to be poor

Word Count: 668    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

mind was pretty occupied with the g

shivers down her spine, something

something else but it sti

badly wants to

adoring her but he doesn't seems like that sort of man. He had insul

d her pace a


went straight inside, t

came from her room all

nt to their dining table. Her pare


eted smiling as she joined

look pretty today." Her mu


om my window going outside. Don't tell

s the only thing that lightens my

Racing?. "Her da

y sports that lightens one mood aside raci

torted almost getting angry. Then, it dawned on her that getting an

s argue over this" she wh

ld. It's time we respect her

ad shrugged

m only s

queried as she looked at the meals on the t

questioned inquisitively staring at her

utes, her dad's face turned

d her throat b


brow rose in

money from him to set his business. And just yesterday, he had called informi

money back or w

uessed" her mot

with interests" she beamed

ssion made her

head, shooking

" he whispe

couldn't believe what her dad was saying. They are rich

s month that he's almost bankrupt"

be our fate now?"

to hear what s

it's not wh

f it turns out to be. Not only friends th

gly looking" she pictured how it was going to spread

o, she s

rd came out low her voice shooke

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