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The Last Dress

The Last Dress

Author: Vitamincee

Chapter 1 Veronika Race Mendez

Word Count: 1860    |    Released on: 06/01/2022

e at least eight months to live based on your test results" My heart

me straightly but I c

both, telling the

fine, you don't n


me. I know I won't live any longer

scovered just last year because I noticed that I was getting a lot of bruises and

ing any better. You have stage 4 acute lymphob

. Days and days passed by, all the people that I know came to support me but I shut them down. I don't want them to see

r a second then smiled at her again. She's reall

thanked her for taking care of me and guid

led our way ou

elings, I screamed and I questioned the Creator. I asked Him what was the reason why he gave me this, and of all people why do I ha

zy as if the world was turning around and all went black

you want to go

d smiled wi

after I fainted. It was peculiar as to how and why I got in here, a man then came inside. He told me everything that h

f joining such church activities, sharing your feelings and views to the others, praying and puttin

here" I looked at

tter plans for me in heaven. I should not be afraid, rather I should be grateful because He gave me a s

ing? Are you nervous?" S

am just a bit ne

nue my studies because they plan to make me go into chemotherapy but I insisted

now, enterin

smile and then we went straight

come to our campus" The dean greeted u

ut some things that I did not understan

se take care of my Veronika" The dean no

e wore her worried face when she said that

worry" So all three of us stoo

d outside the campus. When me and the dean wer

ndering why I entered class in the middle half of the semester. I've g

d meet your blockmates Veronika" I just smiled

ed and some were not really happy to

the professor in class right now

met a lot of lady prof

lockmate. Take care of her, I'

these people that I don't really know. I'm

I didn't do introductions even when I

ed at me after saying that. Oh good, she's not a strict teacher. Well

to introduce myself? I mean, what's the purpose? The teacher already kno

. I'm


with a C and Grace, not Race but I guess the typewriter made a mistake well anyways, personally I think my

ous at all? Hah. I did it. I

f talking in fro

changed a bit when I met my adorable, lively and talkative best friend. We're

ed straight towards the vacant chair i

dy so I listened and yawned, just kidding. I dont yawn


s poking me so I turned to face him. He smiled at me like we've known

mit it next week, okay? Oh for Ms. Mendez, it is by pa

ed to find a pair right now? I

uess you're my partner" I faced him then looked at h

hem bullied me. Especially when we're kids, they bully me because I was

at his own joke while I'm just staring at him

h this guy? No other


king about their plans and applying ma

to get along with others without them knowing I have cancer. So I guess, I


ust stared at me for a moment and it's already making me conscious. Is t

res were really making me feel awkward and

. I could always tell but right now it's just unexplainable.

Race so call me Killian, everyone here calls me H

ow? Him calling me Race makes me a bit h

ome. The class is already over so I think I cou

o have a boyfriend or a special someone that's going to get hurt more than me when I

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