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The Last Dress

Chapter 3 Probability Of...

Word Count: 1767    |    Released on: 16/01/2022

finition of Probability?" The


having a longer life here on e

is less than the others, then I might as well live my life

there is also a least probability that I will finish all that was written on the list in

?" I was surprised because everyone was looking at me and th

is embarrassing. I wann


tion ma'am" Then I stood up and tol


pen in real life. Sometimes I wish probability was not discovered or

s lunch break already. That is why

king on the phone with Mal, my best friend. I missed h

r that I didn't notice someone

e girl asked me. She was full o

hat I'd hang

smiled but she just r

Do I know this girl? Di

way from him if you don't want any trouble. Got that?" I felt my body shudder. What is she t

barely have enough time to do what

She was

ly then I continued eating but I

I hate people staring at me wh

d go outside but she gr

I'm stupid enough not to know that it's a threat. What d

so is my connection with Killian. I don't

I didn't really look at her so I d

rcastic question to make her cal

or if i'm threatened by someone, I sometimes become a monster. Way way back,

r a

nning to get bored in class because I always read in advance and yeah

id you ent

like to be in college and to be part of a campus. I

me. Who? Is it Mal? But she always goes straight ah

ger. We always hang out in the garden and our favorite game was playing hide and seek, but one time when we played hide an

ged me. I told them I lost my friend but they told me he just left.

at's the matter?" I'm already

not clearly remember his face and there are no photograp

ly went downstairs. Now what he is up to? Does he think we're th

he way here?" I seriously asked. He has a car. A vintage musta

just say? How does he know we have a garden? Has he b

and dragged me o

n our garden and he was still holding my hand. Now that I

f his real name because I did not bother to ask, well anyway I never came back here beca

ed at him strangely. I don't know what

e?" I asked him seriously because my f

t you Race." My jaw dropped. I mean liter

. This is not funny at all. If he's pla

it." I frowned at him but he's just looking at me with full

time for this. Just go back to your ex who is apparently jealous at me over n

und leaving me standing in front of him so I also sat beside him, because I don't have a

e real me" Truth be told, I'm trembling right now. I don't know what to do, I don't know how t

d not even

. Sometimes you only need a week or so. Just please, please give me a chance?" He gently said while lo


I don't know wh

emember your preparation, you don't need a re

Thanks for that inner voic

I just can't. Not because I don't like him. There I admit, I do like him. But not like I super like him to the po

hand. I felt something unusual when he held my hand.

oes th

hance" Dang it. Why won't he stop? I already

e words he wants to hear, and I rea

ally be my boyfriend, though. So don't be too overjoyed" He embraced me

and realize he doesnt love me. I know eventually he would find a

right decision and I wo

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