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The story of Saraya

The story of Saraya

Author: M-jiji

Chapter 1 The beginning

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 08/06/2022


be appointed as the leader and Raja of our hive so I want everyone livi

riors as they raised their weapo

Dear Raja." Said an old man wh

only right that your inheritance should be your son

ng warrior and I have not heard anything about h

, do you all agree with my

Simultaneous answer of all

I can now grant my status to m

gnation because I want my son Datu Sulaiman to replace me." announcement of the Ol


me his status because I firmly believe that this event was ordained by our Fairies

e leader of the Warrior shouted

ew Raja!" Everyo



littling the low -class people in his area. Because he was greatly feared by the whole people b

according to the narration of the Fairy who hid as a slave, she came from a dist

ve to ask for food from a Raja l

ood Dear Raja." The disguised slave replied to the Raj

n't want to be defiled by a stinking creature like thi

village enjoys?" The disguised slave said s

the Raja’s Warrior once p

nd listen to what I have to say." Response of the disguised slave as he giggles wi

arance of the former slave who is now a very beautiful maiden has completely changed, it was so white and its red attire matched its color, its very long

r be able to stop her because she is guided by the Fairies." The fairy lau

I will kill that woman myself." Raja's angry shout as

Soothsayers called babaylan to refute the

e just met is true?" Raja Sulaiman said and immedi

a I can see the future." Babaylan promised as

u to start defining as you se

ary natural strength because it is guided by the fairies. The woman referred to by the fairy

ou're referring to." The Raja stood up quickly whi

to this woman, because it is guided by

ify the woman you mentioned right away."

e wish to give My blessing." The Babay


e Raja arrived at his home wher

tely greeted him with a tight hug and caress on his

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