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The story of Saraya

Chapter 5 Discovery of extraordinary ability

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 11/06/2022

on of his daughter's mother. through the accusation of her

his wife immediately stopped him and threatened that in case after this the slave had something unpleasant to happen to their daughter so instead of following Malaya

crambled for a paddle and it eventually fell into the water. the warriors followed the woman but she moved away immediately so the warriors had no choice but to shoot her

t to be with my

nd as it fights aga

my life and de

dimmed at the same time as the waves

ya will live but it won't take long for her to get used to the way she can eat to live. Malaya hoped that she would have at


is life to his daughter because he wanted her to learn how to def

’s voice as they practiced With her father. Her voice is very dangerous b

nly use this song for evil but Datu also wanted to remind

her father’s advice she immediately follows unlik

ad a unique ability to show so he wanted to train his

d the Fairies and so they bestowed the ability of his daughter because it had something to do. Dat

ts came out to chase and bite Saraya his daughter avoided it so fast because it ran so fast it seemed. a lightnin

ou showed, it is really true that

Maharlika in prai

a looked up and asked her because even she

d extraordinary abilities because you died and came back to life and maybe that's because of the stra

d where is that The bird you're talking about? An

temporarily kept away from you fi

r home. She immediately went to bed while her father went to his wife who was

so she just quickly agreed to invite her husband with her maybe he wante

of training she was not aware that an unknown man had come in to abduct her. No one notice

gold, Bai Dayang succeeded in ab

o the woods full of wounds. Saraya was very scared because she was afraid that the big bird that saved her might eat her. Saraya cried so much that the boy he

w did you get to this place?" the

aharlika. I was abducted by an unknown man and tried to kill

erring to is a ferocious anim

m here to hunt."

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