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The story of Saraya

Chapter 4 The secret hatred

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 10/06/2022


prophecy was still not found, the Raja was very sad because he knew that if he could

ophecy can still change and perhaps it is just a threat against him because of the cruelty to his subjects. so t

said was true, he tried to dismiss it from his min

ll looking for her. so the Datu wanted to inform his wife Bai Dayang that he had a child with his ex -girlfriend who was a slave and he wanted them to raise it in their own house, the Raja knew that it would no

nge for his turning away and forgetting with him the acceptance of their child. Malaya did not agre

wanting to have a sister with a blood slave, her father even gave her a name that almost sounded like his name bec

from crying?" Hiraya shouted at her sist

y looking for the care of a real Mother." The sl

f the noise." Bai said with a high forehead that there seemed to be a bad plan, but the

bysitter's slaves were so scared that they shouted for Bai to stop what she was doing but Datu heard that so he immedi

shouted at his son Hiraya an

just want to take care of my brot

ed his daughter who was immediately followed by Bai, but he also knew what really h

t Hiraya come near my daughter." D

ilent listening in the corner of the door

Bai Dayang asked her crying dau

ied me and forbade me to approach that young sl

daughter but in it was the extre

n her husband carrying a child since when Hiraya was just a baby he couldn't even lift it so Bai wanted to retaliate secretly because she remembered the Mother of the child o

cause you know your daughter wil

Bai Dayang?” Malaya a

to day now you know your daugh

sband's separation from my daughter

us on your face that you are very happy because you think that when your child becomes B

not fight because I have a lot of respect for y

take that woman to the markets and buy her as th

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