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Savanna Return

Chapter 2 Savanna Return

Word Count: 2010    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

a lot of people because it's summer season, so

mpty seat. There were many people standing waiting to be seated, but they didn't notice the seat here in the distance. I sat down and comfortab

it and turned it over before turning back to the counter where I had

place. Took the number th

for a while, ma'am, I'm sorry it to

ber is not mine. He put the food on t

t's not my order," I said to

ma'am?" this is

hen someone suddenly s

baritone voice, so the

sed by the m

sir, I'm sorry!" the w

en I came back someone was already sittin

shock. The antipathetic man, look at the siz

?" the man

ow it was already served. Alright, I'll just find another

sat right in front of me, so the waiter j

d hoping that there might be another vacant seat, but I didn'

destly and seemed to have a taste for food. When I looked at him, he suddenly looked at me, so our eyes met. I im

nt of him. Besides, why do I seem nervous? What is it

asked me which irritated me even mor

ng to me?” I asked w

that I can't see? Okay, never mind!” h

e girl is even better at talking to me. I would have kept quiet but I s

" I said to

ning to leave. Rick glanced

a because you just saw a woman who is strong when she eats. Two rices, an ord

back to what he was eating. That's why I m

d, I glanced at him for a moment and saw him smile while ea

and I are feeling each other out, who's going to screw up first. I

I eat a lot of food. But why do I fe

nally finished eating. He wiped his mouth w

to use a cell phone? In my annoyance, I pierced the meat

ith you?" this

t like this?” I made my mouth even bigge

p. "Okay. I'm leaving so you can ea

to stay longer. How antipathetic

back to the condo, to drink the wine I bought there. I poured the new brand I bought into a

! And since your son is the only one left here in the Philippines, he will be my priority so that you can feel how it is to lose a loved one. But before I do that, I will first get the treasure that I should have

ll be alive, if not f


s flying among the flowers planted by the mansion's maid. While I was happily running, Don

fly," I said smiling to the old man a

ak, so it ca

d a voice ca

ned to the big balcony and saw Mama

shouting. "Mama, I

it's time for him to take the medicine,"

terfly before appr

ause we are going to give

didn't seem to want to go inside because

o that you can get well soon and we can both play," I sai

at home. Papa took over the company temporarily, because Papa was Don Robert

e went with her boyfriend from Brazil, he disappeared for severa

ied in childbirth, that's why he raised his daughter Cynthia alone. But after graduating from college, she broke up with her boyfriend and hasn't been back and forth. So Don Roberto's world revolved around business. Even so, even

daughter Cynthia suddenly appeared. It came back not only alone, but with this child whose name I didn't even know because when Cynthia arrived she wasn't even introduced t

uld be in charge of the mansion and the company. That's okay, because I'm back home. I will take care of

e day, I just found out that we were being evicted from the mansion. All the servants and guards in the mansion were replaced. Even in the company,

ences. I was surprised by what I found out, because when we left it was still

parents. At the back of the mansion, Cynthia beat my father there. While my mother had her hands tied and was screaming to stop beating Papa. I was on my knees, held by another of Cynthia's staff. Papa could hardly


in my mind. I clenched my fist, whi

u Cynthia! I wi

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