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Savanna Return

Chapter 5 Savanna Return

Word Count: 2096    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

again chasing the butterfly. I was smiling while doing that, an

in tears, as I remembered happy memories from years ago. But suddenly my m

around and immediately wiped my tears when I saw that R

ironment like me. I stared at this because of the strange aura I see on his very gentle face. It's like an inno

I feel better when I'm here. I don't know, but I feel this garden is strange," he sai

that Don Roberto and I often hang out. This is where the old

so I immediately

rden? Is it your mommy?” I asked so that

turned to the flowers ag

, so I was thinking and was speechless with what he was saying. He handed me the flower, so I fell asleep.


nice to me? When we were in Manila, it behaved differently. But when I was here, I think his behavior suddenly became the boss. Does he really not remember me or

rming smile. This is what I'm saying, there's no man who won'

inside," she told m

was really meant for me. I felt a little annoyed, but I didn't show it. "Go ahead... indulge yourself in the luxurious life first. Soon you will be eaten by the earth and you will be food for big worms that will consume your

wanted to eat, that's why I coo

you are! Because you are really loo

plate was filled. It's not just Rick, he's just showing me his att

ky. You're so romantic and..." I stared into his eye

n't have a girlfriend," he said

ou! Who will believe him, hello!

r wealth and handsomeness?” I promise

business and I don't have time for ot

ies. Well, you can't fool me, Rick. You're not the man I don't want to kill. Even if you're still handsome, you can'

you're meeting with!" I said a little excited

wonder why I did it. I'm

l hasn't admitted that he's attracted to me, well I won't force him. I'm not

in the living room and when we came out of the kitchen this is what I saw. I was surprise

prise, but Rick only answered me with a smile. He a

. You can use that for one year, and your spouses and children

er. "Thank you, sir! The sky really f

and take all the leftovers to your family. Thank you fo

. I didn't give you a present," I said shyly, I don't know why I f

uld see his even an

e you taught me, even though somehow I didn't f

er that he was going somewhere! What happened?" I apologize to Rick, but the truth is that I sent my

l phone? Maybe the car broke do

use I made Rick believe my l

laced yet. What is that! How can we travel that far? M

at your trip was still in

! I think I'll be fine. I thoug

are going there!” I still held my breath, because I w

broke down. There are guest rooms there," he said, which made me very happy

say. "I mean, thank you. Maybe my driver had a problem so he didn't come back right

back on me. I was left alone in the living room, smiling because the events were going my way. I wouldn't be surprised if it was too soon if anything can be

ings. I can't quite accept that everything will disappear. When Cynthia arrived at the mansion we were kicked out. That's why we went home to our shack house. It was as if I woke up from a nightmare when we were robbed of happiness, my parents became the family for Don Roberto. It i

voice that suddenly mad

nd saw Rick standing by the d

ng down my cheek with my palm.

ay!" I promis

before wal

ldren's items in the guest room. This room belongs to a girl. But he

that because I was that kid! The child you ro

en removed yet, if he's been gon

aving, I just wanted to know if you're okay here." He smiled b

, it stopped walking. He tur

is t

ave a drink together, just an extension when we celebrate your Birthday." I'm s

some Whiskey," he said before

oing to drink my favorite Whiskey. "Wait, why does he know what I want to drink?" I was stunned for a momen

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