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Savanna Return

Chapter 3 Savanna Return

Word Count: 1185    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

'm ready to fac

past the knees, my very white legs were exposed. His very long hair was loose with curls at the ends. In my appearance, I l

ere is no match for your beauty, Savanna." I smiled before turning my back to

tiful as my morning," greeted my dri

go," he said as he

o a lot to do there. When I was still in the mansion, Don Roberto had many pets, this was one of his businesses that was run by his other staff

ight and when I woke up we were in Tagaytay. The driver was able t

ansion. How can we enter when there i

ecause the gate wasn't like this before. There used to be a guard just standing next to the g

only one speaker with a focused camera. I pressed i

'am?" a girl with a

friend. Is his son

on his way home. Are you t

uestion. But because I wanted t

am," I

We went inside, it was very different than before. There are also high walls to prevent thieves f

k to Manila. This is my house so I have the right to live here. I know

met me a

led him. Please come in so you can have a snack first," s

walked in, whil

ut the big picture of Don Roberto hanging high on the wall is st

various tasks. I was walking around

didn't even care about Don Roberto. It didn't even move because

s your snack. I'll go to the back first and we're just fixing something

ling, it's better that you're n

entered the door

othing has changed. I remembered when my family an

side the gate. The monitor was here then, so the maids saw me right away. I approached the screen and saw a woman wearing formal wear. It

need?" I sa

with Mr. Rick Javier,"

actually the name of the antipathetic guy who ruined my day

he had an emergency. He's out of t

ably, I could clearly see the annoyance on his face whe

nexpected event. That's why I couldn't say it righ

f. I won't deal anymore because of what he has done to me." Afte

ad. This Rick's partners are terrible. The bitch is so weak!

ely cringe. I feel like that antipathetic man I met in Manila is like you. Well, t

here, later the maids I saw just now arrived. The ot

Sir Rick

tense all of a sudden, I can't explain my feelings but I'm

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