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Gold Digger

Gold Digger


Chapter 1 Gold Digger

Word Count: 2360    |    Released on: 10/01/2023

heavy downpour. While my siblings were co

d, I'll feed dad some more,

The hole in our roof is already big so the buck

ned my youngest sister, Kelly. It holds t

lly. Just be patient,

ers. I will eat later when your mother comes," said father,

till need to take medicine. Maybe it'll be even more difficult for

suddenly and su

houted and greeted m

n to stop, your hungry brothers might fall asleep. Here's the dish, it's good a

prepared the

ked mother as she approached father and it

t for me to cook. The fue

that when it rains, we are also flooded here inside.

k something for us to eat. I feel sorry for dad who is upset. Because our life was already difficult, it became even more difficult because of his illness. His daily medication is even more expensive. So even though it's

of the cruel boss he became. Mother experienced the hardship and cruelty of her employers. That's why when he was saved, he promised himself that he would never go to another country. Even for our children, he never dreamed of us stepping foot in another country. In mom's mind, we can get along even if we are t

ame home pale and coughing tha

ou all right?

mom feels sick. But he fights because there is no one else to rely on when he gets sick. I feel sorry because mom hardly gets any rest, and she works all week because if she stops f

with every day. I sat on the chair outside and stared at the dark sky. I hope the heave

I suddenly woke up and saw a paper on my face that was waving. I look

me with my assig

ned into stone!" he said while taking a piece

th is that there really is no miracle. I taught my brother and

Hey Bess!" I shouted here. He

sked. He works at a bar in

maybe you know something that I

father?" it asked with a laugh. Because he

etting sick. I want to

one who got sick

can put me in your job." I seriousl

? She's warning you not to go to a foreign country and then you'll

, that will make me angry but I'm desperate to earn money. Help me

d before

u'll hesitate?! Don't embarrass me in f

d goodbye to me, "I'm going home

will do it for my family. What I want is to give my virginity to the man I will marry. But with the hardships of life, it looks like that won't happen an

he house. At Susan's house she arranged and dressed me according to their attire. A sexy and very

o wear it. Is it really

customers. Most of them want something fresh and young. Your skin is really smooth. , and that's why you're so sexy," he complim

ant to go home. I'm afraid of men looking at me that if they look at my body it's like sa

oo!" he said before we stood at the side of the sta

rvous..." I s

ust make your customers happy and you'll def

sed myself again. Until

go!" Susa

ch o

ting in the middle. He is drinking alone, he looks rich because he has a lot o

e a rich m

be rejected by that,"

say, but I just made up my mind. I have to d

old man and had the cou

looked like he had tricked me

with someone?

bove. His hair is now white but he is still strong because his body is still

ith you?" I asked here

everything you order." I smiled at what the old man said. I can

le his son was involved in an accident ten years ago. He has only one companion in life. And this is his on

look sad?"

like I'm getting older so the sadness is fad

t you're going through something. Don't think about it, I'll make yo

py, so I can forget my problem

because of the alcohol he drank. He lured me out of the bar. I guess this i

d and I have only been in this car now, it has its ow

s because it's my first time to have sex with a man, and with an old man. So as we got c

correct. Grandpa is really rich because the security is tight just outside. Until the car is e

auty and height of grandpa's house. I'm like a princess who got to the palace house, but I

home!" grandpa p

as we walked towards

out the house. Grandpa and I both turned around at the

My prince!"

us when it comes to business. But when it comes to women, it is impossible to be serious. Grumpy and s

vacation? So how's your trip?"

to ask you? Who is she?" it asked while looking at me. My who

girlfriend." Gran

mmediately and his fac

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