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Gold Digger

Chapter 2 Gold Digger

Word Count: 2417    |    Released on: 10/01/2023

andpa's grandson, my ear rang and I

dfather like that! You really have no

y my attitude. So Lance was stunned an

s. You're the disrespectful one because even as an old man you're being punished! You're

patience. Yes, he is handsome,

Wouldn't I have taken your grandfat

y did I

to grandpa who was just

out of the house! He might even

uest... I will n

at Lance because o

ing me, so you left. Tsup

n you, don't ever come to me for help!" He turned and

ted his grandson's mischief. Lance usually has women in his arms. But not

lso arrogant. I'm so beautiful! Did you mis

and I have already argued, is he still happy? I thi

ion to grandpa's silly s

room and I'm go

her," said the nanny as s

en I'll do what I plan to do. I'll take grandpa's cell phone and wallet, then I won't show up anymore. But it's like something is preve

to look at, if I don't look at grandpa, the owner of this room looks like a teenager. Mostly because among the elderly people I know, it's almost antique a

tiful, is this room rea

he said while sitting on the big be

and you're going home tomorrow because it's lat

e you?" I asked here in surprise, because I was su

now! So go to sleep, so we can talk aga

d I would make him happy. I had a different thought, since I thought that was the way to do it becaus

I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'm doing it for you." I just felt tears running

no mosquitoes bothering me last night, my bed was fresh and soft. I feel l

hen I saw grandpa peeking out. It's alre

irst and eat there. I'm leaving first and I

so he smiled b

a shower and wash the clothes I was wearing first. It's sure to dry easily because the fabric is thin. After I

ating. He was surprised to see me, and he was even more surprised to see that I was only wear

s eyebrows a

ou intend to live here! Begga

sed my arms and legs to look for any charcoal on my body but I didn't see anything, but my white thighs

y! It's inside your body! How can you stomach having sex with an old man? Are

with an old man, they'll just stare at me!" Pointing to his chin at the same

aking money off my grandfather, aren't you

me... well, you are, I thought you were a saint! Yo

ng about?! What rac

I said laugh

d and lifted it up. His grip was

hausting my patien

hat are y

grandpa who was there. So he suddenly let go of me a

ot be able to stand it, I'll put i

is so cute!" I'm s

't insult m

ude! There's no way, he disrespected his grandmoth

ut of the kitchen. He couldn't hold back his a

son is just like that. But

can handle h

already eaten, I'll come and eat with you before I lea

helpers but many families are still happier." I remembered my brothers, when we were eating we wo

only family I have. He's my only joy, that's why my life is getti

xperience sadness. I thought only the poor had problems. It's not,

ou don't get stressed by him, and it's good

e, "can you help me make my grand

suddenly lau

im he'll stop and you can discipline him. But that grandson of yours who's older than me, has a bad attitude! That won't chang

pay you... Ten thousand, as long

money. How many days can we eat meat then? I can buy dad his medicine, and it's even bette

my grandson's behavior, I want him to learn to be kind to others so that he

ult job you're going to make me

ce in you Kathy,

y," he said, which

thy, thank yo

we'll pretend to b

ed, and even laughed at

as there's a problem. Tel

now on," I promised while my heart was shaki

s long as you don'

es here," he said looking at

ou clothes shopping," h

because I'm sure the ones grandpa will buy me will b

arling. But grandfather was very happy

ack, we'll go

d in ag

went to the mall to buy my new clothes. I can't dance wi

wanted and grandpa bought it. Terrible! I never thought I would experience this thin


rs his grandfather's girl, she was almost younger than him so he

's pissed off! Why did you hit her w

gh his life, he already knows that he only wants money from his grandfather. That's how women reall

ld digger! I will find a way to get you out of

suddenly knocked on his door an

is looking for

because he didn't remember

and beautiful woman. He entere

e speechless as he came

ance asked Lily. The girl he gave a

a few days, I miss you..." he said w

'm from vacation

l me? You're sulking huh! So are

es, I have a

while biting his ear. He felt a little tickled

ne, I'll

hon," Lily s

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