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Gold Digger

Chapter 5 Gold Digger

Word Count: 2120    |    Released on: 10/01/2023

to bed when I felt someo

ot just on my face because it hit my whole body, I was only wearing a thin nightgown. You can see my cleavage an

asked here, stopping L

ou want a bee

some more of that?" in my annoyance I was

Even just a little, p

to me when I'm drunk!" I was about to clo

be the one to do something to me," Lanc

your grandfather's problem!" h

want us to be okay grandma?"

I will be careful. I let him enter the room and I sat on the sofa

g the beer. At first I felt like I was going to throw up,

just tasted that?

ponding I just

s watching me. He looked at m

e you lo

? You don't look like a woman!" h

interfering w

"Where do you live?" it's

a reporter? As

want to get to know yo

o Tomas," I an

a remote place?" La

you, I'll eat you alive! Grrrr..."

mad at him, is there something funny i

y?" I asked

ghing at you, you

is so shallow. I just did so

beer I was holding. I have already told too much. Until my childhood and

u so much," my face was r

ience in poverty. That's w

. But immediately

s kind. He showed me nothing but goo

many younger people. D

my life here?" I asked that L

nderstand that her grandfather is not the an

ious that all you need is money fr

at me?" I ask

k his beer straight. So I got the

of the difficulties I'm experiencing. I know what I did was wrong,

n my life. Even though we always argue, we still have the same attitude. He's my grandfather and I'm his grandson so we protect each other. I just don't

. That's why I know I don't really need Lance to be loving to people. Because Lance is the type who loves secretly. He didn't want to

was the reason when your grandfather disappeared. Like me, I'm doing this for my family. You, you're doing th

pity on me. He came to me and

red to me. I looked at him. Lance and I are almost face to face. I listen to the strong beating of my heart

e way he was touching my cheek. It's hard for me to speak because our faces are about a

kiss you?" Lance

his question. I don't

aid. Because I saw that his lips gradually came closer to mine,

w how to kiss. So he grabbed my neck and supported me. I just followed his movements. It's delicious...

feel? Do I

on Lance's che

nly promised. So it st

e said before standing

nd the door. I bit my lip, is t

w do you know if what he's doing to you is true or not? You know, he's just taking you for a ride! Besides, think about it, there are a lot of women. Yo

So if you choose someone to love, make sure you're serious." I sighed

bathroom to do the daily routine. Brush your teeth and

having for breakfast?

kitchen. I don't need an assistant, because I can serve myself. It's not because I live here t

hy I turned around suddenly and got dressed in the brewing p

ught Lance was gone but someone suddenly

the hell Lance!" I

od. Are you avoiding me, huh?" he

maybe someone will see us!" I said trying to

re we doing something bad?" H

rised by w

d you kiss me? Let me go!" Lance

o tense, last

Lance, what you did last night is just not mine! Duh, wh

wned at w

iness! Whose coffee is that you brewed? Is

s coffee goes, there's nothing as

you'll bring it back when you

ed last night, you didn't moan!

gave it to you, don't be a

again?" Lance approached me, I backed away but I had nowhere to back down because the sink was

anything else to

't do this to me!"

Kathy? Don't you like what we're doing?" Lance



ard!" shouted the

e. Lance was laughing

t surprised," he said turning h

what happened. Lance didn

t? Is there something fu

Come on, let's go out." He gr

s, why would you bring me along? Yo

irst." He walked away from

not going to force

. "Get dressed, hurry up. I'll wa

went out once with a handsome man. Besides, I'm going

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