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Playing the Demon’s Deadly Games

Chapter 2 Faith's POV:

Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 22/12/2023

suddenly approached Evans and kissed

good taste when it comes to girls, he's

oices and he chose Bianca.” I whispered t

id to Trinity after I put the f

n't you? You're a lady no

know a lot of nonsense in

d a very bad attitude. It's obvious that

library. We went straight to the

g. I was surprised when I saw

looked at Trinity bec

se we both had envelopes. What is

at is it? Invitati

ers so I sighed. We opened the e

loved C

al Conqueror's Game. Brace yourselves and be



pranking us again?" Tri



he same time after we were

eyes widened as it turned red, and another le

he games." I

ening!?" Tri

hen she suddenly shou

y disappeared. I also started to get nervou

us!" I scr

s gone. A pawn chess piece was l

er. I couldn't even feel my own bod

ck also hurts a little because of how hard I


d me behind a big rock. My nervousness is now s

might see us. We will be d

t?" A male voice asked from

dly breathed because they might hear us. Even though I don't kno

see there!" The

ed a few minutes before coming out of our

y? She's small but beautiful and brunette. I j

. I'm sorry I didn't see her. You're the only one I came across here. Even me, I just wo

helping me. Do you know how you got

receiving a letter, then everything became

en we ended up being here. What's going on her

Just like what happened to you, I just wo

But first we need to find my friend. Wi

e to hurry. I hope she's

It's tiring and breathless

some noise p

ud voice suddenly came out of nowhere. How

m when we're in the jung

hide first." She said and

ening, what's worse is that we don't know where we a

know? Well, you have to play with me." The girl s


not know."

at is going on? Maybe I j

her schools or universities? Then we were thrown in a forest where the

age, you are officially a participant in t

Game. This is the trial stage. All of you participants are over a thousand, b

ave a good hunch here

to survive. It's a do or die competition. It's either you die f

ing is illegal. We have to report it

of you. This is Lailanie, let the games begin."

if we scream here, no one will help u

nd Trinity, she is in danger. We don't know who captured us so it's r

one? A-Are we going to ge

e we can talk to them nicely and sort things out. I hope they don't be led by ange

king. Only the sound of our trampling leaves c

d that voice earlier come from. But the first thin

a tree to hide. I see

66 left." Suddenly, the wom

lowing a voice that we don't even know who and what

t y


arm so I kneed his crotch

run!" I

out of breath because my energy seems to be run

e!" The man shouted as

ft." Lailanie announced again, t


rip was so tight that I couldn't get away. His hand

me- ahh!"

denly punched me in the stom

" I shouted but

ood and hit it on the man's hea

let's run!" Q

ran again. We just ran and ran u

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