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Playing the Demon’s Deadly Games

Chapter 5 Faith's POV:

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 22/12/2023

me. My head hurts because of sl

can't do anything anymore. I entered a world and

climbed to the top of the tree to get some fruit. I

apple. Will I still be picky

. I suddenly broke into a cold sweat and took a bite of al

moved a branch behind this

tance and saw that she was stari

" I sc

enly threw a sharp branch at me,

re!" She

where I was. My nervous

ree without falling and tripping. I ran as soon as I st

shouted arrogantly when I noti

and kicked my leg. I fell on the dry leaves and she i

me, my leg hurts from her kick and my ass hurts like

o anything to fight, girl. Do you have any last wis

et a serial killer. It's just

talk about this? H

" She screamed and was about to hit me on the h

punched her hard in the

e face again when she grabbed

ed senses." She said arrogantly

die!" She screa

he was stronger. I thought of a plan, because her senses are enhance

e my head. It made an irritating noise so I too

the stone she was supposed to hit on

I just closed my eyes and calmed down. Her splashed blood was sti

did a sign of the cross, I'm so bad. I never thought I could endur

ittle by little, the black smoke eng

, I'm sorry." I

. I stopped for a moment and felt the surroun

e left side so I immediately too

med but I was surp

t me." A boy who looked to

e're in the same group, he still looks scared. It's funny becau

e're in the same group, don't worry you're wi

I-I'm Paulo." He sai

n yet?" I asked and wiped

very hungry."

d something to eat. I saw a banana tree, fortun

under the tree. I just smiled while lookin

those bad guys earlier?"

aw you. How about you? Did someone hur

here? At this age, he should also

killed by Sister Trinity, the one I also met earlier. She w

beautiful woman? Did the mark on your wrist light

scription. It's just that the mark on my

the same team. I don't want us to

o it, I have confidence in myself. Trinity and I

" Paulo shouted and

hen Paulo suddenly hugged me. I thought Paulo would be hit

ou're a

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