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Playing the Demon’s Deadly Games

Chapter 3 Faith's POV:

Word Count: 1063    |    Released on: 22/12/2023

a while to ca

chasing us is g

e!" I scream

head. She died knowingly, I didn't know

" A new man with a b

e and sitting. He still had a big smile on his f

ut of 1066." Announced t

t was against my heart to leave her, there was

oung lady!" Shouted th

ith me, I was only three f

the forest. A river opened up t

I was su

in the side. I can feel the pain

it hurts, just to stop the bleeding

ed. He caught up with me

egged and knelt on the floor

n shouted. He suddenly let go o

t the stone. I can taste the b

ye bab

ne suddenly hit the man's


so has a wound on her arm, the t

d to you?" I

ready killed two people. I want to get out o

pants out of

They are the ones to blame for this, maybe we were kid

e people inside too, there w

randma Ching." Intro

our companions here in the cave. Trinity and I with a

long in this game." Grandma Ching sobbed

lier before the game started and hid. It's a good thin

h, Trinity. What sh

ve to get out of here, for sure our pare

t out of 1066." The v

outh today? They are only thinking about violence

all we just wait here?" Asked the gir

out and kill ourselves?" T

o kill each other here!" Ahlex

ll let it go

tab Trinity with a broken glass. Is this o

the answer!" Grandma Ching scre

ece of glass when she suddenly pushed me. I

cked when Ahlex stabbed Gr

old woman!"

t of Grandma Ching's stomach so

nt dark. Tears starte

I shouted before rushing t

I was shocked suddenly because of what I did

ed someone. I

to leave here." I wept weakly and sat on the

e. Sister Ahlex is also gone."

ll help each other get out o

Ahlex before we left. Even so, Ahlex is also j

rbidden again." The voice said that we don't know where it's comin

What was last night is now morning. We are like robots t


there was a flare in the sky

you are now officially participating in the game. Have a good day

id I get into? Can

to do. I hope it's

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