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B£ MY WÖMÃN(His•Baby•Mama...)

B£ MY WÖMÃN(His•Baby•Mama...)

Author: Popcorn

Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 2376    |    Released on: 27/12/2023


g around with happy smiley faces.It's the graduation ceremony today, and the school will be letting go of over 500 g

rt but fitting yellow gown and black flat shoes.Heels aren't affordable for her. She was always in

om and opened her wall locker hastily, bringing out her academic gown and cap.She wore them on top of her dress, then

buzzed, and the smile on her face fell when she c

lso took loan, though she didn't tell Stefan about it.If he can just

ppily and pay the debts together.She was still staring at the remi

sped when she saw it's

just talk randomly, but somehow,

he said, and Rosy qu

reminder?" Sh

u think you're doing Rosy? Working your @ss off to pay for Ste

part time jobs were going slow. That's why

four black skirts then two trousers and three gowns. You've never worn heels you're always on flat shoes and you only eat onc

so stop talking about Stefan that

lane" Erica replied, and

Olivia too" Erica said, and Rosy was about to re

oposing! I swear it you need to see it! Who's proposing to who? Just get ther

is proposing?" Er

ushed, pulling her to jo

um where the proposal is happening.A lot of students were already gathered there, roun

ring at you?" Erica muttered, and the s

her bestie. He's already wearing the ring in her finger, and Olivia couldn't stop smiling.Rosy's jaws dropped, and her head banged. Sweat beads appeared on he

alked up to them, and S

, you'd definitely stop paying my fees, and that's why we had to keep our relationship a secret. Do

r two eyes, and she was shakin

ow could I?" Olivia cut

blind to see. He has always been mine, but thanks for the f

on in the cruellest way ever by the two people she t

n said immediately

Olivia replied, pullin

e sole of her flat shoes fell off. She has been wearing them since four years ago, maybe it's finally time for the shoes to give up.Her feet began touching the ground as she ran, the s

ered Stefan with a

go down low. Damn you both for doing this to her!" she said, and Olivia slap

! She walks to campus for lectures everyday just to save the taxi money, and she l

ady at the v

hing when I get a job, stop overreactin

up" she said, and Stefan grabbed Olivia's hand, taking her


ddle of expensive bottles of wine, and the background of the place was designed with the right wordings.WILL YOU MARRY ME?There's a girl in there who's currently lightening the candle on top of the cake.Roman cam

usly, and the girl turned t

best tonight! Always handsome

ether, doing everything together, and that's why she's in charge of th

nd answer me" Roman said ner

e shaking" she said, b

propose, what if she says no? I

hese for her remember? You don't even have a car but you bought her a car already, and you

s?" Roman said

" Fiona replied,

tonight ok?" He sa


s best smile as the door opened.Gwen came in, and she stopped by the door immediately she saw the decors and the wordings.Her eyes met with Roman's, and she swallowed as she began walkin

wen said, and he

" He s

rying slowly,

to touch her, but

he sniffed, maki

d shockingly, a ring is alread

you earlier, but I was scared of what you'd think

d the ring flew out of it,

ed to take care of I and my family forever. I need the money cos he's established, and you... you're still depending on sa

t, shaking so much."Gwen..." He whispered, feeling th

and ran out of the room in tears,


t of her hiding place, but the balloons she's hol

el in front of him, rai

pened?" She asked gently

.. turned you....down?" She muttered wit

sprang up, rushing out of the room.She ran to the

screamed and rushed back in,

, rushing out of the


.He's on the sixth, and he's dead drunk already, but he's still pouring the beer down his throat, drowning himself in

d make a guy drink painfully

d one said, pointing at a female

d she has eight bottles in front

ith them?" The bartender

is, we can't sell for them, they might

hen she felt the need to pee, but s

alms on the table before trying to stand again.Her shoes are out of he

om.." she said, holdin

she waved at them drunkenly before going that way, holding the

aid, and Roman staggered to

way" the bartender cut him of


pull up her panties when the door opened,

He said senselessl

" Rosy replied drunkenly, finally pulling up her pant

ot" she said wi

ands off the wall, staggering afterwa

ed to stagger out, but Rosy's hand found

so she's trapped with her back on it. Roman is looking down at her drowsily, his lashes

. sleep with me?" Sh

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