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B£ MY WÖMÃN(His•Baby•Mama...)

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 2676    |    Released on: 28/12/2023

a whisper, and she clearly saw his eyes twitch, b

d drunkenly again, but the laughter was cut short when Roman's hand grabbed her fa

hat's going on right now, but maybe they want something to take their minds off what's eating them up, and this seems like the only available o

Roman roughly spun her, turning her back to hims

gentle air hit her genitals, and she smiled, her red cheeks resting on the cold tiled wall.She heard

grew louder and louder as he slammed harder and harder. He wasn't gentle.His groans came occasionally, and Rosy had to hold the wall rigidl

in there" the first on

ous?" The seco

offee cup away from Darla It fell and shattered on the ground, and Fiona gasped."Roman I'm so.."I wanna be alone, please" he sniffed and went back in, slamming the door.Darla and Fiona exchanged glances, and they sighed sadly.*A MONTH LATER, ROSY'S PLACE*Rosy is currently preparing to go job hunting again like she has been doing since the past one month.Even as a graduate, it's hard to find a good job in this city. No one wants to offer, and the few who wants to offer are requesting for her body which she's not ready to give.She has to find a job as soon as possible, cos she has just one week left to pay the loan, and if she fails to do it, she'd probably be abused or beaten. They're thugs.She put on her shoes, thanks to Erica who gave her new ones.Her phone buzzed on the bed, and she rushed to check.A big smile appeared on her face when she saw it's a text from Erica.• Have you eaten this morning? Don't tell me you're crying again.She quickly texted back...• I took noodles, and don't worry, no tears anymore.Erica travelled out of Greece one week after their graduation. She's currently in Vietnam, and even though they're far from each other, she did a great job in making her smile again after what Stefan and Olivia did.She'd always text and call, making sure she ate and all. She's her saviour.She was about to drop the phone and wear her second shoe when she felt like throwing up, and her eyes widened.She rushed to the toilet and knelt in front of the seat, vomiting for real.She has been feeling this way since last week, and she even vomited last night too, but she has been waving it off.Now it's not something to wave off again, something is definitely wrong with her.She went back to the room and got her phone to go search about her symptoms online, and when she saw it, her eyes widened."No....it can't be...I can't be..."She spranged up and rushed out of the house to the nearest pharmacy where she bought a pregnancy test st


cumstances, the baby is still hers, and she'd never harm it.Even if she has to sell by the roadside, then she'd gladly do it so she'd survive with the baby.The due date is anytime from now, and she should be resting, but how would she when she has to make money?Her stomach was protruding so much as she stood from a chair with the plates


old the door and wait for a while to calm down before proceeding.She entered the bar, and she was met with smiles from the bartenders.They pointed at an angle for her, and she turned to the angle to see him for real.He's sitting calmly on a table with a glas

rprise on his face, he only gave her a ques

and he moved his thick brows slightly.She sa

t ni

ced me" he cut her

in my right

to do that and probably push a child on me. Let me guess, you're here to tell m

ldn't make such request in my right senses.

ou're obviously a cheap one who's looking for a man to implicate. What was I ev

ust call m

and returned to working on his laptop.Tears rushed down Rosy's eyes, and she stood slowly."Let's for patern

to go I really can't do this al

ladies like you are the worse! I'd rather

r knees and started rub

ty on me

nterrupting her speech.He

t year. I'll take it, but your b**chy self can go to he

tenders rushed to her, trying to console her, but her cries only got louder.She was sti


ers exchanged glances, and before they knew

opened wide as the insane labour pains gripped her."Hmmmmm!!!!!!


osy cried, and more b

enders exchanged glances,

y minutes, she birthed the baby, a cute baby boy.Tears came

" the first barten


, raising his hands in the air innocently as she entered the bar.Just like last year, Roman is sitting on that same seat, but right now he's looking richer and more handsome, wearing expensive brands, but his cold face is still same, and he's sitting on the same table.The bartenders were smiling at her from the stand, she smiled sadly before walking to Roman.She knocked his table before he looked up, but he looks shocked this time immediately he saw little Liam, obviously because of the uncanny rese

hey started

n see him again.She stood when realization hit her, and she rushed out

."Please, ok 30 minutes, I miss him already please let me just..."I said I have things to do. Apparently, I'm not job

ess" she mutte

he replied coldly and entered

e ground.The bartenders rushed out again, an

d like this" the fi

e future" the second one repl

e you so much" she muttered

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