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B£ MY WÖMÃN(His•Baby•Mama...)

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 2865    |    Released on: 31/12/2023

e ground to crash besi

t of the shock they're in, a

eyes from her leg

finally talked, and Je

back into his pocket

and immediately he stopped in fr

how's my L

ybe it's cos of the emotions she's feeling after seeing the man who called

er, so she sniffed and

m, how'

lied simply, and she smiled sad

has been eight whole years and he was st

ser, but she stepped back i

for her, but when he saw the ri

ked up again, then she sniffed and

re" he suddenly talk

u, but I wasn't lucky enough to find y

uickly tur

ect the job just because it's you. I shamelessly need the money, so...I look forward to wor

d sat gently on it, picking a pi

m a piggyback ride on a beach, and he's shooti

ame, but he quickly wiped them, remembering

it hurts now. He clearly s

ame as he rested back on th

ediately she left the office, and she sto

r eyes again when she remembered what happe

CK, 8 Y

ed in front of the house just

her by the heartless man, and how she probably won't

's voice woke her

and stepped out, only

ey from were already in front of t

ir leader said, and she q


er barked again, and the rest of the gang star

pay back before

e next word, and she was dragged into th

f where she was made to kn

thin a month please!!! Please don'

k for another extra month? You won't get that luxury here. Cut of

No!!!" She cried as she was grabbed, and her

axe with him, then he r

y, expecting the axe to chop off her fing

er go? I'll pay her

d Rosy opened her eyes slowly

, Do


tear that came out o

on. Even if he wouldn't recognize her as his

n there?" Jeffery's v

eplied, rushing

?" He asked,

e, t

I said, I have a lot to lecture you about. Please f


he park, and he came out

ded minutes ago, so

the call earlier? Maybe she's bu

ion gushed over him, and he gifted them h

being an upcoming model, so all

ly son of the ri

to a particular w

man in bed

led brightly

opping bag and hu

nd the next time you come, remember?" She s

y to get a gi

andsome! Use your face!" She said, an

that she stays in the hospital for adequate treatmen

e shopping bag, and her eyes widene

the pack, an

y sen

ughter not here a

remember? Nancy hates ski

iend. You're

m" he groaned,

know about the Mendez fa

s country just like our family, an

is one of the sons


y is he living in that medium apa

he did something terrible, so he's literally poo



y, and the pupils resumed chatting with e

ing on his seat, n

eeping dads? Let's see who's the most handsome while sleeping" Kendra said,

rich kids, so ever

ng their screens then t

sleeping picture on his phone, and the

viously mor

lenge" Kendra said,

e wristwatch! Show me yours!" A boy b

watch too, a more

rom him and that's why your dad hates women" the boy said

you don't know anything! My dad made h

from the boy, but he held him tight, and the

her or something? May

he face, and he began bleeding from

ths cam

ra muttered

t my family that way" he mutte

of the school and sat gen

ed Roman


edule for today cos he just

as Liam's mum yet, and he's not su

shy degrading words he said to her th

one rang on the table, and he smi

the sound of Liam's crie

you crying?

ed louder, and Roman dipp

, Lia

!" He cri

ep away from finding her I promise

sniffed, stop

ose tears right now,

ou at home dad" h

ed a loud exhale, a

can proceed to the general o


about to say earlier" Angelina said

ice with them, and there's a

y" she replied sadly a

nna reject the j

to work here now. You bot

him soon though he has a very

wait" Ros

now on. All the broken pieces are coming back

e any storm" she rep

tation is starting! Rosy you need to change!" Ann shou


has Landmark written in front of it in white, then a short

staffs to dress this w

he came out, and he held her by the

d, and he smiled. He'

, staring at her, so she

ntation outfit" he said, e

w" she replied and rus

all and blinked when she saw

hough they're standing, maki

and Bishop before wal

her she's beautiful in the

pliments anyth

vising the new staffs to stay away from things

Rosy asked from the

about it" Mr. Zed replied, and Ro

a bae. He walks like a model

at him hatefully, remembering the words he said that year and how he

saves enough money to take care of him together with Iris, she

he climbed the stage, and he

aring at Rosy, and it was Jeffery who cleare

newbies" he

oice melts me eve

s not for you" Ange

She fac

y from the other side, and

n he left the stage amidst claps, he sat in the

entertainment to this room?" Mr. Z


come give us a five minutes dance

ed for an unknown r

op replied, and

sed to you both" A

olunteer for the dan

u do us the favor?" He said, an


iled again, and she bit the wall of her m

g, and it didn't stop ti

n playing, and Rosy stood for a

ng Liam soon made her smile, a

miling, making the simple

n her, she got them thrilled j

, and the happiness he's seeing on

orking hours to be

legs and raised her arms up, revealing the mov

ted, and Roman bega

eat and couldn't eve

threw her head sidewards, making her hair flow with the air, then

She's d

she's hot!"

*bs move again,

the hotness in here right n

nd drank from it just when she

iately, and it splashed out of

and Bishop start

nd Ann started ru

as everyone started rushing

lina held hi

his chest tightly while pa

lance!!!" Bis

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