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HANABI's Books(6)

Desired By The Jerky Billionaire

Desired By The Jerky Billionaire

I was here in Jax's office today to talk to him at our launch when I caught up with allaine who was sitting in Jax's chair. "So you really work here?" Allaine asked calmly when she saw me. "Obviously?" I answered him and showed no interest in what he had to say. "Then you're fired." He said making me laugh inside me. "Where's jaxx? I need to talk to him." I just told him and sat in the visiting area. "I said you're fired." he repeated what he said so I turned to him and sneered. "From a weak loser b*tch into a witch freak. Desperate one." I answered him and I saw the annoyance running down his face. "I am Jaxx 'fiance. So I have the right to fire you." he answered me so I mocked him even more. "Really? Fiance? Funny." I said in a mocking tone. I saw his palms clench. Such allaine. "Are you deaf? Leave this office now." He ordered me and I just sat down fourteen. It's like being teased. "Really allaine, Do you even know the Company's rule? You don't even have the right to fire an employee just because you want to." I answered him and he stood up as if he was going to attack me. "Why did you come back! To kidnap jaxx from me ?! We're getting married and there's nothing you can do!" he screamed at me with his fists clenched. "Why would I kidnap jaxx from you? When in the first place I was the original and your desperation just kidnapped him, didn't you?" smiling I told him with a teasing tone. "Shut up b*tch!" he was still shouting at me and was about to rush when the door opened and jaxx's secretary came to stop him. "Miss Veronica." Sera Mozarta said in shock and grabbed allaine to run towards me. "Let me go, if you don't want me to fire you too." when allaine's command was suppressed, that's why I laughed softly. "Ma'am, sir jaxx ordered that the company's models not be injured or damaged." sera replied so it calmed down for a while. "From a desperate b*tch into a copy cat and now an assuming freak? You must be kidding me.you fake your medical records just because jaxx can't love you the way he loves me so you payed a doctor? "I answered him sarcastically and the pallor of his face was obvious from what I said. "That's not true! What do you know!" He growled at me so I smiled. I fired the secretary again. "I have sources and by the way jaxx doesn't really love you, does he? Since he found out you're not in pain." smiling I told him. I just chill but he looks like he's going to explode with rage. "You don't know so shut up!" he shouted at me and was about to start again. "You just begged me so you can get married." I smiled at him. "I'm still going to get married and you, while living miserable." He said boldly, I clapped softly. "Who told you? Especially since we have a child.he will definitely leave you. "I told him and he was stunned and stunned by me. The door opened and jaxx was exposed. "Do we have a child?" Jaxx replied and I noticed that they were with him safiya who was also looking at me while his eyes widened in shock. i think it's time to tell him the truth. I just hope this decision of mine was not wrong. Allaine was silent on one side.
Hot Night With The Billionaire

Hot Night With The Billionaire

If I count, this is the tenth time he has called me at this time and he only asked me to do one thing. It's my kiss It wasn't like that to me then. When I first came here to their Mansion, his blood was on me. He was always screaming or angry. but since he came back here last month from america, he has suddenly become like that. During his few months in America, I breathed a sigh of relief. When he was here then, I could hardly breathe because I was so scared of him. almost all of us housemates were scared and trembling whenever he was around. And I don't know what happened and suddenly it changed me. I came back from deep thought as something wet and soft touched my lips. as before a gentle and careful kiss he bestowed. His eyes were closed so I closed my eyes and responded to his kisses at the same time my tears were dripping one after another. Tears of guilt. I feel guilty because I feel like I'm cheating on my boyfriend Lyndon "Open your mouth, Hayana" He commanded again that I immediately obeyed. He immediately inserted his tongue and moved his tongue around every corner of my mouth as if looking for something. I'm out of breath but I can't complain. He seemed to feel that because he was the one who cut off our kiss. He touched both of my cheeks with his large, veined hands. "That was so D*mn great, my Hayana" he said as he caressed my face. Suddenly his forehead wrinkled when he touched the wet part of my face because of the tears that fell earlier. "Did you cry?" I don’t know if what I see is right. But the way he looks at me now seems to be mixed with sadness. I turned my gaze in the other direction "I-it's wrong Señorito. It's wrong" I harvested weakly and I felt my tears fall again. He slowly let go of my face "Why?" I was devastated by the extreme coldness of the way he was asked I wiped away my tears and stood up from her embrace. I turned to face him and met his emotionless gaze "I have a boyfriend. And I don't want to betray him." I answered directly. "THAT'S B*LLSH*T!" I was shocked at the shouting and violent erection it made. I still couldn't catch it quickly approaching me and violently pushed me horizontally on his bed just next to the couch. He immediately rocked my whole system as it overwhelmed me which he never did. I was alarmed by it violently grabbing my two hands and raising them level with my face "How many times do I have to tell you that you're mine Hayana. The first day you step in my house is the day that you are marked as mine. No one specially those b*stards can get you away from me. No one! do you hear me? Answer me f*ck! "Every word he uttered was firm and emphatic Next I nodded to him because my system was already swallowed up by fear. He's a Beast. "Break him up. Or else I will kill him myself" He's a Beast. "Break him up. Or else I will kill him myself"
Secret Revenge Of The Billionaire

Secret Revenge Of The Billionaire

"L-Let us go ..." "We have a family ..." "W-We're begging you .." Only crying and pleading can be heard in a room without any equipment. There were ten women standing with the towel wrapped around their bodies .. and I was one of those ten women. My lip almost bled from holding back my loud crying. I just sobbed as I clung tightly to my towel wrapped around my body. There were three armed men guarding us while there were large guns. It smokes and looks sticky at us. Meanwhile, we women lined up and just waited for someone to come into the room for us to buy. I still have many dreams in life and I still need to resurrect my two siblings who are left behind now. I don’t know why I’m being punished like this. I do nothing in my life but just work hard to keep my brother alive. But what about now? I was gone and the cans in our little house were about to run out. How are my siblings? Who will protect them? Who will feed? I sobbed even more because of the thought. I felt sorry for my brother. They are too young to experience living alone. They haven't yet so why am I being punished like this? I’m not doing anything wrong! "Shut up! You hurt your ears!" I pressed the bite to my lip to suppress my loud sobs for fear that our heads might explode. We have been locked up in an unknown place for three days and now the buyers are coming to us. I don't know why we need to look like this — not wearing anything. Only a thin towel wrapped around our body and nothing else. "Let us go!" Shout of a female captive like me. Every time they begged us to leave here, I hoped that they would be kind and do what we asked, but in three days of repeated pleas, no one listened to us. The men ignored the woman and focused on the man who entered our room. "They're here ..." I heard the intruder say so my hair stood on end and my heart beat faster. "We're begging you !!" Another shouted but no one noticed him. The armed men came out to guard us and closed the door. Everyone's sobs grew louder and the others hugged each other. The others are already sitting on the floor due to lack of hope for themselves. I let out a cry that I had been waiting for. I also tightened my grip on my towel that was draped over me. I arranged my hair and covered half of my face so I wouldn’t be noticed later. I believe. Not me! The door opened so we turned around there. My knees were shaking but I still tried to stay standing. Armed men entered and stood the women who had fallen to the floor. This followed. "Come in ..." the armed man said politely. Every time I heard their footsteps I was terrified. I saw five men enter our room. Two adults and three looking young men. Their aura is frightening and when they look at you, your whole system will surely tremble. What they wear screams in luxury and really shows us that they can afford to buy us like a tool. Everyone was silent. The men's eyes began to stare at us so I immediately averted my gaze and bowed. I heard a footstep and at the same time crying. "D-dont!! I do not want!! Let go of me!! Let go of me!!" I turned to the woman first in line. I am the very last. He was beaten by a young man and stoned at gunpoint. “He is the one I will choose. Shut up. ” He says. I burst into tears and was about to bow down again but something hit my eye. The young man who looked at me in the dark. His jaw tightened as he glanced at me so I avoided him. I hope my face is well covered! My whole system is going crazy because he might choose me. I'm nervous! I heard footsteps approaching in my direction so I cried even more. I also tilted a little to avoid him but there didn't seem to be a fight .. I grabbed my jaw and caught sight of the man. He arranged my hair that covered my face so he could see me properly. "D-Don't let me ..." I begged but he pretended to avoid looking at me. "I'll pick this." He said sternly and dragged me out of that room. He stoned me into the Elevator and I started to cry and cry. As the Elevator closed, he turned to me. "Shut up!" He shouted but because of fear I cried even more. His vision darkened and he grabbed my arm. He squeezed that. "I said shut the fv*k up or else I will blow your head up!" He got me there so I forced myself to keep quiet. Opening the elevator opened up to us so many luxury cars. He yelled at her and immediately pulled me in there. When he got on, he hit you so hard that I could almost cling to the door next to me. It took us several hours before I stopped at a fancy house — Mansion. A very large Mansion. I could not check it properly because it was already dark and he immediately pulled me inside. He took big steps so I almost ran following him. He let me into another room and I heard the lock. I started sobbing and started looking for something to wear there in the room. I've been getting cold before and I might get sick. I want to feel good so I have the strength to escape. Even if it’s not for me that’s what my body really needs.
The Billionaire Rejected Me

The Billionaire Rejected Me

I held onto my stomach, crying in front of the father of the child I was carrying. "Who is she, Laz?" the beautiful woman asked gently. "Get in my car, baby," Laz told the woman. He turned to me with a harsh look. "What else are you looking at? Leave!" he shouted, causing more tears to fall. I didn't leave; I stayed and continued crying in front of him. "Laz? Why is she crying? Tell me," her voice was so gentle, like an angel. "Get in my car, now, Samantha," Laz softly coaxed the woman. My chest ached even more because of the way he treated her. "L-Lazarus, please..." I begged until I found myself kneeling in front of him. It hurt so much. It hurt like I couldn't bear it anymore. I didn't love him, but I didn't want my baby to grow up without a father. I was doing this for the sake of the child, not just for my own desires. I saw how he clenched his fists before I lowered my head and touched the floor. He knelt down too and roughly grabbed my hair, forcing our gazes to meet. He looked at me with intensity. "I don't want to see your face. From now on, don't let me fucking push you away," he said. His words made me cry even harder. He let go of my hair forcefully and stood up. He wrapped his strong, muscular arms around Samantha's waist. "Wait, Laz-" "Get in, okay?" Lazarus interrupted Samantha and kissed her forehead. Samantha had no choice but to get into the front seat of Lazarus's car. Lazarus turned around and opened the driver's seat. He was about to get in, but he stopped when I stood up and spoke. "Y-You're so selfish but thank you. Thank you for giving me this little blessing. I hope you sleep soundly every night, Lazarus." He finally got into the car and drove away quickly. I watched his car fade into the distance until I felt the rain pour down. I caressed my belly. It's not that big. I'm three weeks pregnant and now I'm trying to convince my baby's father to help me. But he didn't. He left me pregnant. "Y-Your daddy left us, baby..."