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alexandermercy's Books(3)

Taming The Grumpy Boss's Heart

Taming The Grumpy Boss's Heart

Olivia Davis is a dedicated and hardworking employee at Reynolds Enterprises, a prestigious multinational corporation. Despite her exemplary performance, she finds herself on the receiving end of her boss Ethan Reynolds's constant grumpiness and criticism. Their contentious relationship makes every workday a struggle, as they clash on almost every decision. However, everything changes when Olivia discovers she is pregnant with Ethan's child. Overwhelmed by the weight of the secret, Olivia is torn between revealing the truth or keeping it hidden. Determined to create a stable environment for her baby, she decides to approach Ethan and disclose her pregnancy. To Olivia's surprise, Ethan's initial gruff demeanor softens when he learns about the impending arrival of his child. Though skeptical at first, he gradually becomes more supportive and involved in Olivia's pregnancy journey. As they spend more time together, they discover a deeper connection beyond their professional lives. As their feelings evolve from animosity to affection, Olivia and Ethan's journey to becoming a couple is filled with ups and downs. Their budding romance faces obstacles as they confront their pasts, insecurities, and the complexities of their hidden affair. Additionally, their colleagues and friends add fuel to the fire, either supporting their relationship or trying to tear them apart. Amidst the chaos, Olivia and Ethan must learn to trust each other and communicate honestly. They embark on a rollercoaster of emotions, navigating the treacherous terrain of love and parenthood. Together, they strive to create a loving home for their secret baby.